That which we measure, we attend to. That which we attend to, we improve. This hack provides a framework for measuring consciousness in individuals, groups, organizations and lar
When companies create quantifiable value for society as well as shareholders, those firms can be more profitable and become the foundation of a stronger portfolio.
Mention the word “innovation” to any of Whirlpool Corporation’s 70,000 employees, and he or she will not typically cite any particular product, service or line of business. At Whirlpool, t
Teaming, also referred to as a self-directed work structure, participative management or a high performance work system, is a cultural priority for GE Aviation Supply Chain. It is an effort to m
PARC made a radical transformation from a captive research center to a commercial open innovation business. This forced PARC to create a number of new practices in innovation management -- just t
There are numerous motivational techniques taught as well as practiced to generate numbers. But as far as I had noticed most of the organization follows “squeaky wheel gets the oil” concept.
Whether it's a fair trade social enterprise, a microfinance institution, or an agricultural co-op, any business that makes the claim that it helps the global poor must be able to objectively measure c
Companies would benefit from innovation talent development that is multi-faceted and whose effectiveness – and innovativeness in itself – can be measured and mapped