That which we measure, we attend to. That which we attend to, we improve. This hack provides a framework for measuring consciousness in individuals, groups, organizations and lar
Each metaphor we use shines light on some parts of an issue while leaving others in the dark. The leading metaphors for developing “good” businesses, “Ethics” and “Responsibility”, shed light on
A <MAZE> initiative would promote several main purposes. It would address the cacophony of ways to orchestrate high level understandings for management practice. It
Turning a traditional shipping company into a flat, agile and empowered organization - driven by our motivations.Fewer bosses, more leadersSplitting the traditional line manager role into 3Abandoning
Our conventional wisdom regards high stress executive leadership as indigenous to a high performance organization. This belief is understandable when witnessing the ever accelerating rate of cha
In an era of hyper change and hyper competition, where webbed networks level all points of control, and today's participants abhor centralization, work and life demand a new way, a more natural way.&n