KT had so far sought innovation with a top-down approach, but a growing consensus was that it needed ‘employee-led Bottom-up innovation’ to become an innovation company with a sustainable growth.
Innovation is a cornerstone of the Nike brand. Our company was founded by two visionaries, Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, who set out to reinvent athletic footwear.
Broad employee ownership of enterprise is MONDRAGON’s key to a long-term capitalism. It is the centerpiece of a values-based business model captured in our logo, Humanity at Work.
DIRTT — Doing It Right This Time — is revolutionizing the manufacturing and building industry by empowering self-professed DIRTTbags (no, not those kinds of dirt bags) to be accountable for d
Governments and philanthropy combined don’t have enough resources to serve citizens’ needs. Private sector market forces are large enough, but business is stuck, narrowly focused on
Sustainability is a powerful way to generate innovation at Danone, producing creativity through presenting new problems to solve, establishing big goals that force people to think differently and fost
Each metaphor we use shines light on some parts of an issue while leaving others in the dark. The leading metaphors for developing “good” businesses, “Ethics” and “Responsibility”, shed light on
This hack is based on the premise that modern corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a business, governance, and ethics system has failed, and that it needs to be replaced by a new approach—CSR 2.0.
FINN.no is Norway’s largest online marketplace. FINN.no is a story of disruption and innovation, and we have a goal of being one of the most innovative companies in the world.
FINN.no is Norway’s largest online marketplace. FINN.no is a story of disruption and innovation, and we have a goal of being one of the most innovative companies in the world.