It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


The last thing Wall Street analysts and investors are thinking about is "feelings."  Too bad, because all economic activity boils down to the back-and-forth exchange of rewarding feelings. &
Hack by Paul Herr on August 6, 2010
Realize that there is no need for a separate organization to manage "Human Resources." This is an outdated concept and it wrongly, unnaturally displaces responsibility for developing people from manag
Hack by Patrick Malcor on July 17, 2013
What happens when a team or entire organization discovers what drives the them? To actually understand the whole potential of all people around and to focus on these strengths.
Hack by Rik Berbé on March 6, 2011
With globalization and technology, skills become obsolete rapidly. The traditional approach of performing specialist work is less effective.
Culture change is hard.  Whatever the approach, its a long term proposition riddled with ambiguity.  If your tasked with leading a culture change initiative and are struggling with
Hack by David Graham IV on June 29, 2017
Search "HR and Innovation" on Google and results range from Innovation is a Strategic HR Imperative to How HR 'Best Practices' Kill Innovation and Does HR Matter in Innovation?
Hack by Chad Hartzell on August 17, 2017