Evolve the organization by measuring and developing its consciousness

- Non-locality means that consciousness is not local to the brain of individual beings. Instead, consciousness resides in a shared field that interconnects all beings.
- It follows from the above, that operating at a higher level of consciousness will express itself as a richer, deeper connection between the individual, group, institution or system, and their context.
- Capacity to suspend: When under pressure and confronted with information that calls into question the groupsbeliefs, how competent is the group at suspending conforming and shift into a debate that enables members to voice their opinions openly?
- Capacity to redirect: When under pressure and faced with a complex situation, how competent is the group at engaging in a dialogue that allows the members to inquire into differences and to see their situation from the whole?
- Capacity to let go: When under pressure and affected by change, how competent is the group at providing a holding space for members to let go of past identities and barriers in order to connect to the future that is wanting to emerge?
- Conforming behavior: When under pressure and confronted with information that calls into question the groups beliefs, is the group paralyzed by the need to conform and therefore unable to take in new views and adapt?
- Confronting behavior: When under pressure and confronted with information that calls into question the groups beliefs, does this group succeed in making diverging voices heard?
- Inquiring behavior: When under pressure and faced with a complex situation, does this group engage in a dialogue that allows different views to be articulated, heard and inquired, and to reflect on the situation from the whole?
- Presencing behavior: When under pressure and affected by change, is this group able to provide a holding space for its members to let go of past identities and barriers, in order to connect to the future that is wanting to emerge?

With the framework in place, we turn to creating an engaging method for stimulating development of consciousness. Immediately we run into a challenge: Directly measuring and providing feedback on increases in consciousness is about as engaging as watching grass grow.

- As a measurement, it enables a holistic set of developmental targets to be set and progress to be evaluated. It should therefore be used in processes ranging from strategic planning to individual performance reviews.
- As a framework, it enables a rich set of discussions at different levels of the organization, whilst painting a clear picture of the journey ahead. It should therefore be integrated into organizational and personal development processes.
- As a learning tool, it enables a variety of practices to be brought into the organization, which in turn allows it to be used as a mechanism for disseminating best practices across organizations. It should therefore be integrated into existing learning and leadership development processes.
- We want to limit the scope of the experiment
- We want to go beyond working with individuals, as much attention is already being paid to that through traditional performance reviews etc.
- We would like to run this experiment for 6-9 months, which is too short to have impact at the organizational level
a social network gaming approach can provide attention grabbing, dynamic metrics that result in engagement over the medium- to long-term
by providing engaging, dynamic metrics people will engage in activities that otherwise only pay back over the medium- to long-term
by stimulating a consistent engagement on developing consciousness over the medium- to long-term within teams in a business setting, the teams will a) become better at engaging each other, b) become more creative in problem solving and c) provide a more supportive environment for its members resulting in increases in happiness and decreases in stress
- The organizations current metric for group performance
- The organizations current metrics for employee happiness and stress level
- Assessment of individual and group consciousness levels based on self-assessment and observation
- The baseline and final assessments will be captured in written form
- The assessment of pre- and post consciousness levels by observation will be captured on video tape. This will include interviews of the individuals as well observations of groups in their regular environment.
- The data from the social network game will be tracked and stored

- Define targets and incentives that should be used in the social network game, and how the experiment will be linked into existing processes, e.g. performance reviews, with management
- Reach out to teams and secure a sufficient number of volunteers
- Create a functional version of the social network game
- Reach out to personal and organizational development practitioners inside or outside the organization to secure coaches for the teams
- Finalize content with the coaches
- Capture of the organizations current metrics for group performance, individual happiness and stress levels
- A team of coaches assess individual and team consciousness through videotaped interviews and observations of the individuals and teams.
- concepts they will be exposed to over the course of the experiment, such as the consciousness framework
- self-assessment of individual and group consciousness
- introduction to the social network game
- overview of the types of activities that they can choose to engage in
- first meeting with each team's coach
- initial training in practices of their choice, e.g. giving feedback, relaxation, meditation, yoga,...
- Individual and team goal setting and practice and activity selection for the month ahead
- Throughout the month the participants will engage in the practice and activities they have chosen in order to reach the goals they set. Communication with the coach will be facilitated through the social network game.
- Coach facilitated review of the month
- Capture of the organizations current metrics for group performance, individual happiness and stress levels
- A team of coaches assess individual and team consciousness through videotaped interviews and observations of the individuals and teams.
- Self-assessment of individual and group consciousness
- The baseline and final assessments, along with data from the social network game will be analyzed to establish whether the hypotheses have been confirmed by the experiment.
- A report will be written and its conclusions presented to management at HCL and disseminated through the Management Innovation Exchange.
- Facility for off-site kick-off (2 days)
- On-site meeting rooms for filming baseline and final assessment (1/2 day per team)
- On-site meeting rooms for coaching individuals and teams (3 days per team)
Facilitator for off-site kick-off, incl. preparation (4 man days)
Coaches with experience in Theory U, Integral Coaching or similar (8 man days per team)
- Software Developer(s) with experience in UI/PHP 5/MySQL 5 (3 man months)
- Camera operator for filming baseline and final assessment (1/2 man day per team)
- Budget to cover costs relating to developmental activities
- from management to engage with account teams; publish results of the experiment; incorporate customer feedback in team evaluations (optional)
- from teams to videotape their interactions; publish results of the experiment
- from HR to integrate the experiment into established coaching and performance review procedures
While working in different organization then we should be more aware of the different working conditions of the organizations. There are different people those who are working under different organization and would try to reinvent the means of control, make directions setting bottom up and outside in. This would also redefine the work of leadership. In order to be a successful organization we should mainly consider the three attributes such as measure, attend, and improve. By looking into these three attributes we can definitely be successful.
Performance coaching
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Wow, pictures AND video? You're too good to us Allan :)
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Hi Allan,
I love the idea of bringing consciousness front and center into the organization and giving people some tools with which to deepen their awareness of it. Even your suggestion of having people provide feedback on how they feel right after a meeting, vis-a-vis themselves and others, would go a long way towards helping people to tune in to the aspects of life in business that I feel are so important but so seldom explored. A couple of challenges I see are around measuring consciousness (what kind of tool could really capture this?) and finding the right proponents within an organization who get this and are willing (and empowered) to drive this effort. That said, I can read that you've already started exploring these topics yourself and I'm hopeful that we will see a tangible manifestation of your idea in the world :)
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