It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


As I'm currently working on my annual employee evaluations(including my self-eval which I write and my boss puts his signatureon), I'm struck by how much time I sink into them and how useless theyreal
Hack by Aaron Anderson on June 5, 2010
Are all the people working/helping in the same direction and having in mind the same priorities of the environmental issues?
Hack by Luis Cordova on December 6, 2010
Many companies throw financial incentives at senior executives and star performers during times of change. There is a better and less costly solution. Too many companies approach the retention of key employees during disruptive periods of organizational change by throwing financial incentives at...
Blog by McKinsey & Company on August 15, 2010
I was delighted to catch up recently with one of my teachers, and found her as passionate about educating children today as she was three decades ago, when I was in school. We had a great conversation, but I must admit to a sense of disquiet as I heard her opinions about the next generation. Gen Y'...
Blog by Vineet Nayar on September 23, 2010
The existing philosophical foundation of businesses/organizations communicates an inherent sense of inequality: Employees are seen as minions and bosses are seen as mini gods; as long as
Hack by Cathy Archer on November 22, 2010
Training programs generate greater value for organizations when the curricula reflect key business performance metrics. Testing real-world outcomes is crucial. All organizations train their people, and most spend significant sums doing so. Yet they generally don’t have any idea whether they’re...
Blog by McKinsey & Company on July 27, 2010
Use and develop human capital to its fullest potentialIdentify capabilities and skills of employees via situational simulations.
Clearly, you've given this trust thing some thought. We're off to a good start with these 15 tweets. I'm seeing at least four qualities that run as themes throughout this list: Transparency Responsiveness Consistency Courtesy One idea that hasn't been put forward yet is something that Whole Foods...
Blog by David Sims on September 13, 2010
