Re Enginnering Capitalism: The Indian Necessity.
Capitalism is a Radical and Revolutionary tool of social progress.
Management is truly mathematical, therefore egalitarian.
Capitalism should replace dangerous and naïve amorphousness in the name of selflessness.
With a more practical, honest to God and accountable system of maximum efficiency.
A system that is humble enough to experiment and honest enough to say that there is a lot more to learn is the order of the day.
The current Indian social set up is being chortled by the inability of people to deal with complex systems.
The enablement of people can be achieved through greater economic mobility.
This economic mobilty is encouraged by a super efficient managerial system proliferating itself.
This proliferation should ensure that super efficient models should be the rule rather than the exception.
Capitalism is a system that can empower people to question mediocracy.
Passive and unresistant acceptance of economic, governance and political models should be a phenomenon of the past.
Capitalism can be engaged with either as a concept or a system.
Or it can be engaged with as both.
Capitalism as a system requires certain subsystems in alignment.
To engage with Capitalism, one has adopted a micro analytical framework to deal with
macro level issues.
To contextualize this engagement, one has chosen to place it within an Indian context.
The first sub system is the process by which capitalism’s increasing levels of complexity can be measured in terms of its participants.
The second sub system is the process of converting the mathematics of capitalist transactions in terms of social currency.
The third sub system is the process of aligning the said processes to create an ahistoric continuum.
The first subsystem is assisted by and guided through the electoral process and selection of representative candidature.
A systematized separation is effected between the needs and interests of a demographic set.
This separation is rationalized and necessitated through the employment dynamics imperative to the person’s identity.
This identity is the index of the person’s social mobility and access to the larger mechanism of utility creation.
The second sub system’s operability is defined in terms of a self replication and validation.
That is each value is presented and achieved as its own justification sans any counter reading.
Those systems and individuals closest to the mathematical uniformity and formulae are rewarded.
The reward is measured in direct proportion to the willingness translated as ability to instill in one self the maths of the system.
The third sub system is closely linked with the historical memory and access to that memory of its participants.
An ahistorical continuum requires that the participants place their operable limits on an almost day to day basis.
This continuum is institutionalized by conducting the study and institution of history as an academic requirement.
Lastly, the individual participant’s social empathy to a larger history is made truncated and myopic.
The analysis of these subsystems can become quite abstract and solipsistic is we do not measure them vis a vis metrics.
The metric that will be considered here is the metric of the examination system.
And the participants’ requirement of that validation.
The examination system presupposes a hermetic constitution of each stage of the education system.
It also presupposes an organic intelligence and sufficiency to be valid and present in the transition of one stage to the other.
The problem with this presupposition is the bases of the epistemic organization of most academic disciplines.
Each discipline is delivered with an emphasis on an ahistorical and secluded measurement system consisting of grades or numerical markers.
The next problem with the examination system is that it rarely measures the actual required progression.
Case study or simulation based problem solving, the ability to create complex systems
and the ability to translate complex systems into a daily workable manual.
Nearly 14 years are spent in the name of primary education to dull or delimit the above preliminary skills.
Only to be exacerbated in the name of higher education.
Kindly consider for a moment the economic losses and skill sets deprivation ensuing from such an aberrant method of data transfer.
The second metric that will be considered is the metric of a singular lack of corporate oversight.
The various education institutions offering data transfer are guided or goaded by how well they fit in the marking system’s bell curve.
They are guided and goaded by a wasteful benchmarking with regards to other participants in their shared market space.
Benchmarking works when the players are game changers and not complacent conformists.
Conformists sworn to replicate earlier measures of efficiency and productivity.
The third metric is the metric of technological superiority and the use of the same as a product differentiator.
Technological advance in pedagogy is supposed to be at one level a prognostic measure.
Concomitantly, it is an imperative that demands a strategic discontinuity in the business of education.
Technological advancement has been reduced to a score on an ineffectual score card.
A score achieved by financial investment without reference to actual core competencies or strategic advantages.
The effect of an examination system ruled by artificial and non indicative measurement systems is evident to most systems specialists.
Purely mathematical functions and mechanical functions can be divested of their efficiency due to inaccurate measurements.
The effect of inaccurate measurements on a complex and not readily measurable system such as human intelligence need not be stated.
An artificial and self defeating time schedule planned in reverse from the point of the examination exacerbates this inefficiency.
A functional strategic unit is responsible for not committing the error defined in the First Law on Holes:
“When You are in one, Stop digging.”
The first subsystem of measuring the complexity of capitalism in terms of its participants:-
a) Two generations Indian urban middle class have trusted and depended almost solely
on the government mechanism to provide them their licensure.
This licensure very ironically was most closely felt by those who wished to apply to educational institutions abroad.
This licensure upto the nineteen nineties was dominated by the Government and a few private players.
It was these private players who would employ the holders of this licensure.
A licensure granted on the basis of a data transfer system and evaluation system not directly comparable to the education market abroad.
b) This licensure split itself after 2000 generally into those eligible to serve global players with an Indian presence.
And those eligible to serve Indian players servicing the maintenance requirements of global players.
This group was offered maximum economic and social mobility due to its pre achieved status in terms of an engineering degree.
Not a basic science degree. But an engineering degree.
Subsequent groups were the Sciences and Commerce section who would occupy junior position in the same said firms.
Catering to the mass of administrative details and slew of supervisory processes.
Internal corporate mobility and external social mobility were to be achieved in terms of an MBA.
c) Individual remunerative capabilities multiplied.
Thus being considered as a unit of progress.
A progress that is yet to translate into a greater capacity of SME players to penetrate European and American markets.
Mobilisation of industrial capital and entrepreneurial aggressiveness were measured as
Industrial efficiency.
An efficiency that is quite exclusivist and separatist as the larger mass of the rural populace does not know the grammar of industrial finance.
Nor can it (as of now) work out the mathematics of industrial financing.
The second subsystem of value replication will be considered here:-
a) Capitalist efficiency merged with holistic integrity is not just imperative.
It is how the system would be able to best function.
(My most humble apologies for sounding positivistic. It is truly unintentional)
A holistic integrity can often be dismissed as desiccated and misdirected sentimentality.
An Abstract idealism is unable to accommodate the mathematical rigours of a purely corporate functionality.
Yet holistic integrity is achievable with a mathematical humility that emerges from
constantly engaging with complex systems.
It is also achievable when the brackets of self welfare are extended to an interpretation
that makes engaging with varied economic imperatives default.
b) The varied economic imperatives refer to the familial and social requirements of varied demographics.
Case in point would be the case of fundamentalist issues within the Indian context.
With the exception of sociopaths, the average individual would fit quite well within Maslow’s Hierarchy and or Vroom’s hypothesis of motivation.
When social pockets are alienated or delineated from active socio economic participation,
It is possible to supplant a capitalist ethos with a more exigent ethos of self destructive anarchy and social indifference.
An indifference culminating in the destabilization of the systems of capitalism.
c) Corporate Holistic integrity can be achieved by selective (contextual) yet honest interpretations of scriptural spaces.
Scriptural spaces focusing on social (re) organization and ethical validation that needs to be interrogated and experimented.
Corporate Holistic integrity was the basis emphasized by Adam Smith’s investigation.
A considerable challenge to management is the institution of Corporate Holistic Integrity
in the DNA or software of the organization.
If the high focus syllabi of MBA courses preclude such intense investigations,
The larger and unfortunately diffuse academic spaces prior to the Graduate level need to be focused and mobilized towards this end.
The third subsystem is an ahistorical continuum would work as follows:-
a) History as an academic discipline in most academic contexts is divorced from Micro and Macro economics.
History as an academic discipline is divorced from Game theory and Calculus.
History is also divorced from strategic (business) orientation and planning.
The combination of the three deficiencies has reduced History as an academic discipline founded on rote memory than corporate investigation.
Real life as a more approachable habitat and discernible system is often made the binary superior of History.
Thus the institutionalization of errors and rectifying errors become hyphenated.
Real life some how emerges as a space lived out side the academic parentheses of disciplines like Mathematics and History.
Thus, the negative effects of Real life based on experiences not strictly incorporated in interrogative disciplines is the norm.
The Indian Democratic System has unfortunately entrusted the selection of its elected functionaries with population sets suffering from most of the above lacunae.
Capitalistic Ethos is at its tactical grounding, highly managerial.
The process of elected re-present-at-ives being the product of an education system divorced from managerial grounding is antithetical to Capitalism.
The ability of the internet and the mass media to radicalize spaces of social habitation needs to be magnified.
The Mass Media in the Indian sub context post liberalization is quite beholden to TRPs and statistical metrics.
Due to this, the ability of sustained penetration into relevant social issues is truncated.
This truncation is best evidenced due to the short term memory of the media exposure of these issues.
The space of the internet media and networking can be optimized as a non partisan avenue for the radical (un)working of political institutions.
Public memory is often overlooked as an integral axle in the wheel of corporate
(capitalist) continuity.
Memory is a micro institution offering a study in the miniature the corporate-is-ation (institutionalization) of human intelligence engineering complex governance systems.
The Governance systems include familial, political and commercial structures.
Memory is not merely an organic database consisting of recorded data.
It is a strategic space to be optimized before its realizations are externalized in the form of functioning systems.
This public Memory in the Indian sub context often associates public governance with a non mathematical altruism.
The danger of non mathematical altruism is that it transforms itself into an excuse.
An all powerful and all serving excuse that not only deviates from the more mathematical managerial measurements.
But also brands attempts at re-engineering public governance structures as being commercial.
Commercial is often confused with commercialism.
The TATA group, India is case in point of larger social welfare being co axial with corporate excellence.
They are also case in point, due to their complexity, of
The ability of the populace to structure radical spaces of countering apathy (political and systemic) will multiply when:
a) Managerial (capitalistic) finesse is not the exclusive preserve of one set of participants.
b) Managerial (capitalistic) finesse is not a hopefully to be achieved goal of a top down education system
c) Managerial (capitalistic) finesse is not an ahistorical continuum divorced from Mathematics and Strategy.
Thus, to select a lesson from Prof. Tim Harford, the above attempt seeks to explicate one’s position that the Capitalistic Ethos is very complex.
One still does not know how to engage with it fully.
But one is willing to experiment.
But one is willing to learn.
a) We could should and must use social networking sites to create radical interrogation of political practices.
b) Communities of passion should exist that can leverage minimum contributions from a large membership base to actually create below the line communication channels to spread the radicalised political vision in rural ares.
c) History textbooks should be reworked by firstly permitting them as case studies in Business schools.
d) Mathematicians and Strategists would need to collaborate over the internet to cross pollinate the field of history.
e) Management studies should not be confined to the apex of a pyramid by relegating it to a two year boot camp.
f) rather it should proliferate itself in the fourteen year experience we call as education.
g) The Indian Electoral System should be unburdened from the lowest common denominator.
h) This should be done not by silencing them or by making them invisible.
i) Rather their axis line should be raised to a far higher mark of efficiency.
j) The current marking system should be replaced by a perennial intuitive enhancement scheme.
k) This enhancement scheme should be more based on computer game models, physical outdoor simulation and case studies.
l) Scriptural bases need to be explicated tghrough mthematics and strategy.
m) Thus the requirement of the ego's cessation and the intellect's expansion so mandatory in Broad Based Secular sprituality will be achievable.
a) Select a target group of college students.
b) Empower them with the desigantion and facilties of Social Empowerment Engineers.
a) Create more spaces like MIX ,with semi disclosed financial sources, encouraging the discussion of radical managerial and political ideas.
b) Please try to fix Slots in radio stations dedicated to the ideas mentioned above.
a) Encourage the use of economical projectors to be used in rural environments to display graphic and easy to understand theme based shows.
b) Make CSR more SELF-ISH.That is more based on Game theory than on P.R.
a) Competing for the Future- Gary Hamel, C.K. Prahalad.
b) The Other Path - Hernando de Soto.
c) The Archaeology of Knowledge - Michel Foucault.
d) The Post Modern Question- Francois Lyotard.
e) Manufacturing Consent- Noam Chomsky.
f) The Collected Discources Of Shathaavadhaani Dr.R.Ganesh.
g) Glas - Jacques Derrida.
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