It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Capture the advantages of diversity

“Organizational adaptability depends on individuals whose views don’t cluster around the mean.”

Diversity is not only essential for the survival of a species, it is also a prerequisite for long-term corporate viability. Organizations that don’t embrace and exploit a diversity of experiences, values, and capabilities will be unable to generate a rich variety of ideas, options, and experiments—the essential ingredients of strategic renewal. Future management systems must value diversity, disagreement, and divergence at least as highly as they do conformance, consensus, and cohesion.

38 Stories
93 Hacks
7 Barriers

Capture the advantages of diversity

“Organizational adaptability depends on individuals whose views don’t cluster around the mean.”

Diversity is not only essential for the survival of a species, it is also a prerequisite for long-term corporate viability. Organizations that don’t embrace and exploit a diversity of experiences, values, and capabilities will be unable to generate a rich variety of ideas, options, and experiments—the essential ingredients of strategic renewal. Future management systems must value diversity, disagreement, and divergence at least as highly as they do conformance, consensus, and cohesion.

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A Case study on how the National Library Board of Singapore has been deliberate in its strategic creation of symbiotic linkages between the work, home and community.
Hack by Oliver smith on March 10, 2011
The biggest problem of capitalism is that's not enough people are working on the capitalism's biggest problem: the lack of innovation (as counter-intuitive as it sounds).
We are living in a changing environment that demands that organisations develop their people to be innovative and flexible to succeed.
Hack by Daniel Henderson on September 26, 2011
Leaders in educational institutions are facing new challenges, including increasing separation between traditional academic values and those of corporate ‘managerialism’.
Hack by Shelley Catlin on October 4, 2011
I'm still reeling from the aha moment that shot through me at 2.30am this morning.The Bolt from the Blue: Gary Hamel is more than right, he is absolutely, utterly, unerringly bang on and no s
Hack by Jim Wilkes on April 11, 2013
Organisational health is the effectiveness of an organisation in various environments and how the organisation responds to “changes in circumstances” by mobilizing its human as well as organisational
As a child, did you read the book called the Famous One? Did you hear of the One Musketeer? What about Batman without Robin?
Hack by Peter Searle on December 30, 2010
Ever seen the reality tv show Rob and Big? Well its is a prime example of a business in the form Management 2.0 .
Hack by Kenny Meyer on July 18, 2011
To stay competitive, for any modern organisation, means to be creative.
Hack by Jovana Marinovic on March 1, 2011
Groupthink is a known evil according to the majority of leadership and decision making literature. Deadlock equally establishes itself as a block for productivity and innovation.
Hack by Gareth Jones on March 20, 2011
