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Enlarge the frame of management education

“Management education must be designed to create a heightened and enlightened ‘consciousness.’”

Management training has traditionally focused on helping leaders develop a particular portfolio of cognitive skills: left-brain thinking, deductive reasoning, analytical problem solving, and solutions engineering. Tomorrow’s managers will require new skills, among them reflective or double-loop learning, systems-based thinking, creative problem solving, and values-driven thinking. Business schools and companies must redesign training programs to help executives develop such skills and reorient management systems to encourage their application.

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Enlarge the frame of management education

“Management education must be designed to create a heightened and enlightened ‘consciousness.’”

Management training has traditionally focused on helping leaders develop a particular portfolio of cognitive skills: left-brain thinking, deductive reasoning, analytical problem solving, and solutions engineering. Tomorrow’s managers will require new skills, among them reflective or double-loop learning, systems-based thinking, creative problem solving, and values-driven thinking. Business schools and companies must redesign training programs to help executives develop such skills and reorient management systems to encourage their application.

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