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Experiment more often and more cheaply

“The next big opportunity never looks that way at the outset. Big opportunities grow out of successive rounds of experimentation.”

To evolve more rapidly, organizations must experiment more frequently. Management processes that seek to arrive at the “one best strategy” through top-down, analytical methods must give way to models based on the biological principles of variety (generate lots of options), selection (find low-cost ways to test critical assumptions), and retention (ramp up spending once a strategy has started to gain traction). In the future, top management won’t “make” strategy but will create an environment in which there is lots of fast-paced, strategic experimentation.

42 Stories
62 Hacks
5 Barriers

Experiment more often and more cheaply

“The next big opportunity never looks that way at the outset. Big opportunities grow out of successive rounds of experimentation.”

To evolve more rapidly, organizations must experiment more frequently. Management processes that seek to arrive at the “one best strategy” through top-down, analytical methods must give way to models based on the biological principles of variety (generate lots of options), selection (find low-cost ways to test critical assumptions), and retention (ramp up spending once a strategy has started to gain traction). In the future, top management won’t “make” strategy but will create an environment in which there is lots of fast-paced, strategic experimentation.

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Give every employee some money to spend on realizing ideas to improve the business. Allow for  "pooling" of the money between employees.
Story by Joerg Schwartze on June 29, 2010
Imange if the Internal Combustion vehicle's under utilised energy (eg electricity/ thermal valued per year at more than $4000) was suppied to homes, factories and Green houses,then imange( multipling
Hack by patrick chanda on July 20, 2018
"From small beginnings come great things. In the world of infinite possibilities, a small thought can pave the way for an incredible innovation.
Story by Shreya Sinha on January 18, 2011
Innovation is more than a singular event that happens and then <POOF!> the organization has magically transformed.
Hack by Brett Belock on July 19, 2017
The time has come when Mahatma Gandhi said "We cannot possibly keep on encrouching mother nature and whatever we do even in business enterprise has to be sustainable in every respect".
Hack by Tarun Kumar Mann on March 20, 2011
Please edit before and do decide not to publish on the website.I apologize, this is truly and in every sense of the word a female story probably not all fitting in the context.
Story by Pia Koch on September 19, 2010
The organisational mantra of up-or-out is, in fact, out. Organiations need to develop a new way of recognising performance, and increase the skill-to-position match.
Hack by Group 14 on November 6, 2011
When developing a new concept I find it extremely helpful to get the idea on paper, and share it with thought partners to help sharpen, strengthen, and improve the concept.You have to be comfortable h
Story by Christie W. Barrett on April 28, 2010
Radical change is never easy, especially in a tradition oriented institution. Church revolution is not for the faint of heart. We will experience more failures than we do success.
Story by onski on July 20, 2010
College education is a priviledge and what needs to be decoupled is the notion that a college degee is a sufficient condition of a high paying job.  What I hear on the radio is "financial aid is
Hack by Kim Thi Nguyen on November 26, 2010
