It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Increase trust, reduce fear

“The most critical challenge for any organization is to enlarge the circle of trust.”

Command-and-control systems reflect a deep mistrust of employees’ commitment and competence. They also tend to overemphasize sanctions as a way of forcing compliance. That’s why so many organizations are filled with anxious employees who are hesitant to take the initiative or trust their own judgment. Organizational adaptability, innovation, and employee engagement can only thrive in a high-trust, low-fear culture. In such an environment, information is widely shared, contentious opinions are freely expressed, and risk taking is encouraged. Fear paralyzes, mistrust demoralizes—they must be wrung out of our management systems.

124 Stories
236 Hacks
22 Barriers

Increase trust, reduce fear

“The most critical challenge for any organization is to enlarge the circle of trust.”

Command-and-control systems reflect a deep mistrust of employees’ commitment and competence. They also tend to overemphasize sanctions as a way of forcing compliance. That’s why so many organizations are filled with anxious employees who are hesitant to take the initiative or trust their own judgment. Organizational adaptability, innovation, and employee engagement can only thrive in a high-trust, low-fear culture. In such an environment, information is widely shared, contentious opinions are freely expressed, and risk taking is encouraged. Fear paralyzes, mistrust demoralizes—they must be wrung out of our management systems.

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We are living in a changing environment that demands that organisations develop their people to be innovative and flexible to succeed.
Hack by Daniel Henderson on September 26, 2011
Organisational health is the effectiveness of an organisation in various environments and how the organisation responds to “changes in circumstances” by mobilizing its human as well as organisational
Search "HR and Innovation" on Google and results range from Innovation is a Strategic HR Imperative to How HR 'Best Practices' Kill Innovation and Does HR Matter in Innovation?
Hack by Chad Hartzell on August 17, 2017
Much has been written about organizational trouble shooting, fishbone analysis, force field analysis and so on.
Story by Cheenu Srinivasan on July 30, 2010
(Lifted from WIKI)  The hero's journey, is a basic pattern that is found in narratives from around the world.
Hack by christopher yates on June 6, 2012
I am Finance and Administration Manager, but My Country Director over rides my duties and even to make things worst, she comes to my office to do her work while am there.
Barrier by James Odongo on May 27, 2011
A framework is needed to make an effective community in an organization,  a framework which engages the whole organization as a community without ranks and allows a free f
Hack by virender vyas on March 21, 2011
Groupthink is a known evil according to the majority of leadership and decision making literature. Deadlock equally establishes itself as a block for productivity and innovation.
Hack by Gareth Jones on March 20, 2011
Instead of managers occupying a level above front-line workers, why not have them work under and for them? 
Hack by Josh Harrington on September 19, 2010
We need to develop a personal stake in our world.
Story by Jennifer Conrad on May 11, 2012
