It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Increase trust, reduce fear

“The most critical challenge for any organization is to enlarge the circle of trust.”

Command-and-control systems reflect a deep mistrust of employees’ commitment and competence. They also tend to overemphasize sanctions as a way of forcing compliance. That’s why so many organizations are filled with anxious employees who are hesitant to take the initiative or trust their own judgment. Organizational adaptability, innovation, and employee engagement can only thrive in a high-trust, low-fear culture. In such an environment, information is widely shared, contentious opinions are freely expressed, and risk taking is encouraged. Fear paralyzes, mistrust demoralizes—they must be wrung out of our management systems.

124 Stories
236 Hacks
22 Barriers

Increase trust, reduce fear

“The most critical challenge for any organization is to enlarge the circle of trust.”

Command-and-control systems reflect a deep mistrust of employees’ commitment and competence. They also tend to overemphasize sanctions as a way of forcing compliance. That’s why so many organizations are filled with anxious employees who are hesitant to take the initiative or trust their own judgment. Organizational adaptability, innovation, and employee engagement can only thrive in a high-trust, low-fear culture. In such an environment, information is widely shared, contentious opinions are freely expressed, and risk taking is encouraged. Fear paralyzes, mistrust demoralizes—they must be wrung out of our management systems.

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Leaders must act as facilitators and have the ability to give up control and bestow empowerment and autonomy to its workforce.
Hack by Allan Pollard on December 17, 2010
 I have had much success helping managers who need to get their teams to accept a new change.  It doesn't just happen.
Story by Terry D. Everson on January 6, 2011
By reconsidering the idea of a 'job creation program', individuals in a low income public housing area were able to take on the level of responsibility they were comfortable with, learn new skills and
Story by Martin Butcher on October 28, 2011
 The only choice you have to make is whether to love or not.When we speak of free will, we must not confuse the freedom of action of every day with the indispensable choice whether to love or not
Hack by andrea merlino on April 23, 2013
Organisations are open systems in that they affect and are affected by the environment beyond their boundaries’.  Jon Kotter (1996) defined management as a set of processes that can keep a compli
Hack by Koli Sewabu on December 14, 2011
To create an effective system that will enable a company or an organisation to manage, control and measure company values within the company or an organisation.
Story by Perenitana Suisala on March 19, 2011
Our society is obsessed with celebrities and their many faults, but to what extent.
Story by L. Blake Harvey on June 30, 2011
Unleash Capability:- increase trust, reduce fear. A pithy statement firmly based on research and peer reviewed literature.
Hack by Richard Meikle on May 23, 2011
The central premise is that capitalism in its current form is not broken.  Merely that it cannot operate in a vacuum, and without moral foundation.
Hack by Graeme Gellatly on May 8, 2012
In emerging markets, the lack of talent forces HR dept to concentrate more on recruiting more people rather than devising strategies towards retaining the existing employees.
Hack by Gaurav Varma on March 20, 2011
