It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Redefine the work of leadership

“There is a need to move beyond the heroic model of leadership—because most leaders aren’t, in fact, very heroic.”

The era of the all-wise, all-powerful leader-as-decisionmaker is over. Leaders must become savvy social architects—individuals who are capable of building environments that engender extraordinary accomplishment. To make this transition from “command and control” to “motivate and mentor,” organizations need to develop leaders who are capable of building commitment and alignment without resorting to the traditional tools of bureaucratic control. The goal: an organization filled with leaders who lift everyone up.

117 Stories
196 Hacks
9 Barriers

Redefine the work of leadership

“There is a need to move beyond the heroic model of leadership—because most leaders aren’t, in fact, very heroic.”

The era of the all-wise, all-powerful leader-as-decisionmaker is over. Leaders must become savvy social architects—individuals who are capable of building environments that engender extraordinary accomplishment. To make this transition from “command and control” to “motivate and mentor,” organizations need to develop leaders who are capable of building commitment and alignment without resorting to the traditional tools of bureaucratic control. The goal: an organization filled with leaders who lift everyone up.

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How a central London public service team morphed into a high performance dynamo, raising the number of training interventions by 621% and reducing unit costs by 79%.
Story by Tony Nelson on December 9, 2010
Leaders must be managers; but, managers do not necessarily have to be leaders. Leaders have to manage all the resources at their disposal, self, others, communication, etc.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on February 7, 2017
Reaching right levels of the organisation can be a difficult task even for the employees.
Hack by Aleksandar Zivaljevic on February 27, 2011
Most of data repositories in enterprises today is not accessible in any practical matter to people in an organization. In addition to this, comes information from external sources.
Hack by Magdalena Pawlowicz on September 21, 2010
Lead colleagues within an organisation to want to help each other so your organisation has the flexibility to cope with fluctuations in workload
Hack by Michael Sullivan on October 3, 2011
I don't know if it is just me, but it seems that in various forums participants seem to place a lot of bearing on the source of an idea rather than its content.If an idea is mooted by someone who appe
Barrier by Gavin McLeod on December 18, 2010
Today’s economy is based on knowledge, which requires initiative, creativity, passion, engagement and empowerment in order to flourish.
Hack by Lynda McDonald on March 1, 2011
 Most of us ACT with a hidden agenda of will it look good i.e. how others will perceive me. This is true in any given situation whether its work or at home. Is it really good...I don’t know.
Hack by NAVEEN KHAJANCHI on June 18, 2013
As a front line supervisor, I have reconciled myself to this greatest of issues with employees; you are not treating me/us fairly. The company is not treating me/us fairly.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on March 14, 2016
