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Retool management for an open and borderless world

“As the distinction between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ disappears, managers must learn how to manage beyond the legal boundaries of the enterprise.”

Emerging business models increasingly rely on value-creating networks and forms of social production that transcend organizational boundaries. In these environments, management tools that rely on the use of positional power are likely to be ineffective or counterproductive. In a network of volunteers or legally independent agents, the “leader” has to energize and enlarge the community rather than manage it from above. Success therefore requires developing new approaches to mobilizing and coordinating human efforts.

52 Stories
127 Hacks
13 Barriers

Retool management for an open and borderless world

“As the distinction between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ disappears, managers must learn how to manage beyond the legal boundaries of the enterprise.”

Emerging business models increasingly rely on value-creating networks and forms of social production that transcend organizational boundaries. In these environments, management tools that rely on the use of positional power are likely to be ineffective or counterproductive. In a network of volunteers or legally independent agents, the “leader” has to energize and enlarge the community rather than manage it from above. Success therefore requires developing new approaches to mobilizing and coordinating human efforts.

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 1 Contesting(even opposing)in politics, or military, can not only facilitate social progress in terms of science and technology, liberty and democracy and so on, but also have devastating conseq
Hack by Aaron Brook on November 6, 2012
I ran my own HR Company for over 20 years (still look after a few special clients); but decided I really needed to think about my next 10 years; to plan for those days when I was too old to keep doing
Story by Ann Andrews CSP on January 25, 2011
Engagement is the new black! Employee engagement is the hot topic in the modern business world.  This is due to the popularisation of engagement by many leading business development
Hack by Karen O'Brien on September 28, 2012
The world has changed. The problems that could be solved by Edison, Lister & Einstein have all been solved. Today's world needs collaboration of the best, not competition among the best.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on October 30, 2011
Create a networked community connecting present and ex-consultants that 1) promotes sharing of solutions and problems2) identifies resources availability for projects
Hack by Bernard Tan on July 13, 2011
In Modular Organization 1.0 (read Enterprising with the Flow, [updated to] Modular Organization 1.1), we establish the framework where organization works to develop alternate competencies in "blocks a
Hack by Eidit Hashim on March 19, 2011
Decisions to be made have to be put on a platform (IT-based) in order that everyone can access them and enter his/her knowledge or point of view.
Hack by Erwin Pfuhler on July 29, 2014
When feedback meets criteria that aligns with brain operations, (such as optimizing the brain's chemical and electrical circuitry), people grow from others' wisdom. The opposite is also true.
Barrier by Ellen Weber on October 14, 2010
This hack looks at how an organisation or individual is able to cope with current complex environments to deliver high quality work in the required amount of time.
Hack by Paul Pöltner on August 14, 2011
