Every public company is controlled by a Board of Directors representing shareholders only; not employees, the community, the environment, or any other stakeholders.
If you're not developing your sharing strategy, you're bound for obscurity, says MIX Maverick Seth Godin. The game has changed. Now if you want to win, you have to figure out a way for everybody to win.
Innovation is like attending a track meet, where the companies supply the sprinters and the consumers wait (hopefully!) at the finish line to judge who wins.
Good questions generate thought, focus, and action from the listener. They also convey respect. Is it any wonder that 95% of leaders prefer to be asked questions rather than told what to do?
This hack looks at how an organisation or individual is able to cope with current complex environments to deliver high quality work in the required amount of time.
Common purpose organisations are collectives of individuals, come together to achieve a particular purpose that accords with a common purpose of fulfilment without harm for everyone (staff, customers,
Gary Hamel talks with Charlene Li about the values of authority and influence in organizations that are considered to be leading management innovators.