I do research on nature and human life to find the solution of management complexity. Business is nothing but some activities performed by the human who is the part of the universe. Human learn almost everything from the nature. So if we search in nature, we will find all the solution of management problem.
Most of the people inherit most of his character from his family and society where they live. She or he act in a way that she or he is. So outcome of a leader depends how goodwill he has and effective depends how honestly and trustfully he perform to fulfill the willingness. I am passionate to pursue the my goodness to find the solution of management problem.
I always believe on building excellent. I believe, if individual and the business can build the excellent, they don't need to go for success, success will come to them.
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Avijit Saha
The sustainability of a business is a process to fulfill the target to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability to generate the yield to meet the future business needs.
SME requires different approach in product strategical, management, and development process: why?Generally small and medium size Enterprises (SMEs) have limited resources compared to a large company.