I'm a creative with a bent for for the mechanical. I seak to solve problems with real-world solutions that aren't just a good idea in theory but are also practical.
As natural analyst, I hone in on data deviations and irregularities to help me ask questions that guide conversations to root causes. I listen to and understand the stories people tell me, but I'm able quickly deteremine relvenacy in stories and seperate actionable information from distractions.
Away from work, I build guitars and play with mechanical things such as motorcycles. I like things that require my full attention as immersing myself allows enough seperation that I am able to re-engage with work with new and renewed perspectives.
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Harrison Withers
Embracing the principles of Autonomy & Trust and Openess & Transparency, this hack aims to establish the credibility and value of HR as a business partner by adapting the language and measurem
Embracing the principles of Autonomy & Trust and Openess & Transparency, this hack aims to establish the credibility and value of HR as a business partner by adapting the language and measurem