Principal Partnership Architect at Stone Bridge Partnership Architects
Me in Three
I am a philosopher and big picture thinker, fascinated with how ideas evolve and how the evolution of knowledge drives the evolution of work and wealth.
I believe, with Albert Einstein, that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, and expecting to get a different result.
I like to listen, more than talk, and try to talk only when I have something to say that is worth saying.
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Tim MacDonald
Let's adapt current knowledge of practices for corporate govenance to teach pension plans and other stewardship investors what values-driven business leaders need and want from investors who sponsor t
In the Long-Term Capitalism Challenge, this challenge is presented:How do we eradicate the pervasive zero-sum mentality in business and embed the positive-sum view of stakeholder interdependence into