It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Enable communities of passion

“Passion is a multiplier of human effort, but it can’t be manufactured. It’s present only when people get the chance to work on what they truly care about.”

Passion is a significant multiplier of human accomplishment, particularly when like-minded individuals converge around a worthy cause. Yet a wealth of data indicates that most employees are emotionally disengaged at work. They are unfulfilled, and consequently their organizations underperform. Companies must encourage communities of passion by structuring work and revising management processes to help people tap into a higher calling at work, by connecting employees who share similar passions, and by better aligning the organization’s objectives with the natural interests of its people.

95 Stories
152 Hacks
16 Barriers

Enable communities of passion

“Passion is a multiplier of human effort, but it can’t be manufactured. It’s present only when people get the chance to work on what they truly care about.”

Passion is a significant multiplier of human accomplishment, particularly when like-minded individuals converge around a worthy cause. Yet a wealth of data indicates that most employees are emotionally disengaged at work. They are unfulfilled, and consequently their organizations underperform. Companies must encourage communities of passion by structuring work and revising management processes to help people tap into a higher calling at work, by connecting employees who share similar passions, and by better aligning the organization’s objectives with the natural interests of its people.

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Today’s economy is based on knowledge, which requires initiative, creativity, passion, engagement and empowerment in order to flourish.
Hack by Lynda McDonald on March 1, 2011
It is difficult even to imagine truly dramatic innovation in management until we develop a different concept of the organization.
Hack by Michelle Holliday on January 7, 2011
The trouble with instigating,supporting and empowering communities of passion (CoP) is that thebureaucracies we created to establish organizations and makethemsuccessful, particularly after the agency
Hack by Aaron Anderson on June 22, 2011
I don't know if it is just me, but it seems that in various forums participants seem to place a lot of bearing on the source of an idea rather than its content.If an idea is mooted by someone who appe
Barrier by Gavin McLeod on December 18, 2010
While keen tone skills offer more opportunities to collaborate -  as we draw from people's excellent ideas and insights in any discussion -  innovation loses when tone is lost.
Barrier by Ellen Weber on September 16, 2010
Through reinvigorated people, passion and purpose at its hub, capitalism stokes mental capacity for gains lost over pastdecades.
Hack by Ellen Weber on March 5, 2012
This hack is about growing collective knowledge and potential in a way that is fit for human purpose. I refer  to some work I did with an international group of health pr
Hack by Andres Roberts on July 27, 2011
Create a positive vision of your business by banking employees’ volunteer hours in their community with a Time Bank.  Hours are exchanged with local service/product providers for participati
Hack by Michael Roth on January 20, 2011
If companies want to become innovative, executiveshave to undestand that problem solvong organizations have to be managed very differently from performance oriented ones.
Hack by L Prasad on November 18, 2011
Human resources departments are a major barrier to getting the right people on the bus, motivating people, helping people grow into their natural talents, and getting things done.
Barrier by John D Chovan on December 1, 2010
