It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Redefine the work of leadership

“There is a need to move beyond the heroic model of leadership—because most leaders aren’t, in fact, very heroic.”

The era of the all-wise, all-powerful leader-as-decisionmaker is over. Leaders must become savvy social architects—individuals who are capable of building environments that engender extraordinary accomplishment. To make this transition from “command and control” to “motivate and mentor,” organizations need to develop leaders who are capable of building commitment and alignment without resorting to the traditional tools of bureaucratic control. The goal: an organization filled with leaders who lift everyone up.

117 Stories
196 Hacks
9 Barriers

Redefine the work of leadership

“There is a need to move beyond the heroic model of leadership—because most leaders aren’t, in fact, very heroic.”

The era of the all-wise, all-powerful leader-as-decisionmaker is over. Leaders must become savvy social architects—individuals who are capable of building environments that engender extraordinary accomplishment. To make this transition from “command and control” to “motivate and mentor,” organizations need to develop leaders who are capable of building commitment and alignment without resorting to the traditional tools of bureaucratic control. The goal: an organization filled with leaders who lift everyone up.

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All Strategies hinge on successful execution.  While most managers are comfortable planning, many struggle with the intricacies of implementation.  Two factors impact successful execution ab
Hack by Njal Larson on November 18, 2011
For all of the talk about the future, the loss of the great minds of futurism, and the significance that the future may or may not bring; the past can be a great predictor of the future in that there
Hack by Timothy Stafford on December 16, 2010
This story is about how Sal Khan - an MIT + HBS graduate, who was initially an Analyst at a hedge fund, wishes to reinvent education at all levls with the use of technology - videos, charts, reports,
Story by Abhiram Mahajani on March 9, 2011
Common purpose organisations are collectives of individuals, come together to achieve a particular purpose that accords with a common purpose of fulfilment without harm for everyone (staff, customers,
Hack by Ben Wallace on March 30, 2012
Culture change is hard.  Whatever the approach, its a long term proposition riddled with ambiguity.  If your tasked with leading a culture change initiative and are struggling with
Hack by David Graham IV on June 29, 2017
No organizational design is perfect.  Whether hierarchy, meritocracy or some other form, there will always be a part of human genius and experience that escapes these idealized human creations.
Hack by Dan Oestreich on June 13, 2011
We all know the days of expecting a job for life are over.  Job security as we knew it is gone.  This begs the question, if that was the psychological contract, what is the new psy
Hack by Ruth Skye Oakley on December 25, 2010
The traps that hold back new talent may be the very traditions dubbed as excellent where you work! Innovation requires risk - and novelty  surpasses traditions that drive most organizations
Hack by Ellen Weber on July 10, 2011
This hack proposes to create leadership/management teams in which power, tasks and responsibilities are not distributed across people on the same hierarchical level, but are held by a team representin
Hack by Zoltan Csigas on July 17, 2011
Editor's note: We encourage MIX readers with suggestions to help solve this barrier to enter their ideas in the Comments section.
Barrier by Vivek Chandra on October 17, 2011
