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Rethink the philosophical foundations of management

“We need more than new management practices, we need new management principles.”

It’s no longer enough just to be operationally excellent.Organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially responsible. That means rebuilding the foundations of management thought and practice. Scholars and practitioners alike must search for new principles in fields as diverse as anthropology, biology, design, political science, urban planning, and theology.

65 Stories
169 Hacks
15 Barriers

Rethink the philosophical foundations of management

“We need more than new management practices, we need new management principles.”

It’s no longer enough just to be operationally excellent.Organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially responsible. That means rebuilding the foundations of management thought and practice. Scholars and practitioners alike must search for new principles in fields as diverse as anthropology, biology, design, political science, urban planning, and theology.

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Usually when a company speaks of leaders they are speaking of those they have hired to be leaders and not those who have rose to leadership.
Hack by tequita fowler on December 29, 2013
Replace performance management with a system of feedback loops that simultaneously empowers and inspires employees to be their absolute best.
Hack by Ben Biddle on October 22, 2012
Co-Authored By Rajal Sood
Leaders need to teach their teams to surf.  Our thoughts about organizations are obsolete.
Hack by Rick Hansen on March 24, 2012
Feeling recognized feels amazing. At work we started a recognition revolution with StarmeUp!
Story by Laura Alfonsin on August 17, 2017
Remember the quality you provide to a corporation is not on the walls of your office. This most times is the past and not the present.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on May 16, 2015
Some colleagues and I are exploring and sharing the key aspects of what it takes to be a true learning organisation - adaptable, nimble and geared towards human flourishing.
Hack by Andres Roberts on January 19, 2012
Just imagine 7 billion (and counting) nodes in the global village.
Hack by Guillaume Salmon on March 6, 2014
Hierarchical bureaucracies are fast becoming obsolete for the simple reason that we suddenly find ourselves in a completely new world with a completely different set of rules.
Hack by Rod Collins on December 6, 2011
“Channel Us” is sharing of a success story of culture building for creating higher value and fuel optimism for employee engagement.If we accept that the leader’s job, at its core, is to insp
Story by Ramesh Dasary on December 3, 2011
As we wait for a new theory that would allow us to integrate currently disparate concepts and generate a more realistic business big picture, there is one easy and powerful solution for the MBA progra
Hack by Cristian Mitreanu on February 25, 2011
