It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Stories, Hacks, & Barriers

Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Ben Biddle
Have you ever had the experience of running from one meeting to the next all day long?  Using your lunch "break" as the only time to get your actual work done?
Hack by Ben Biddle on October 23, 2013
Replace performance management with a system of feedback loops that simultaneously empowers and inspires employees to be their absolute best.
Hack by Ben Biddle on October 22, 2012
Co-Authored By Rajal Sood
Optimization, with its Lean Sig Sigma standard-bearer, has always been the objective of management for the industrial era, designed to control variability and increase productivity.In the information
Barrier by Ben Biddle on May 10, 2012
Using fluid team structures 1) to promote new serendipitous connections and innovation, 2) to develop people for competencies rather than prescribed roles, 3) to better match those people to business
Hack by Ben Biddle on May 9, 2012

Co-authored Contributions

Using fluid team structures 1) to promote new serendipitous connections and innovation, 2) to develop people for competencies rather than prescribed roles, 3) to better match those people to business
Hack by Ben Biddle on May 9, 2012
We want to create a process for healthy collaboration that allows for people to judge ideas and not each other and helps individuals and groups overcome the heuristics and biases that influence thinki
Hack by David Mason on April 30, 2012