It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


First, a brief introduction. If you've heard the terms "Agile" or "Lean", I want you to put any preconceived ideas aside (and if you haven't, read on).
Hack by Evan Leybourn on October 17, 2013
Ever since I joined the IT industry I always had a question on the performance appraisal process for career progression to next level or to get financial raise or any other benefit.
Hack by Pankaj Bodade on October 17, 2013
Tech companies have unleashed the creativity latent within their organizations through “hackathons” - intense ideation events where teams of professionals move quickly from idea to prototype.
Hack by David Roth on March 20, 2011
In the knowledge era, we still have no real way to encode and share knowledge, the DNA of a modern organization.The WHY Code is a fundamental way to unblock organizational knowledge flow, empowering p
Hack by Trevor Davies on December 11, 2011
To create sustainable business benefits, the nature of business relationships needs to change.
Hack by James Stuart on April 22, 2011
This is a Hack about creating a collaborative community of trust online to spark innovations in management.
Hack by Dan Oestreich on October 11, 2010
Enlarge the circle of trust by orders of magnitude and radically accelerate the trust-building process by empowering people to rely on the information even before they trust each other.
Hack by Alex Todd on May 4, 2010
With the advent of new technology and the ever-growing and increasing demands for top and bottom line growth without additional headcount, it has become the imperative for organisations to find more e
Hack by Sue Waldock on July 17, 2013
Co-Authored By Bruce Lewin
Design and implment a collaborative technology that helps you get the work done - that moves the portfolio of change projects forward ina social colaborative way!
Hack by Geoff Carss on November 7, 2011
