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defining values and aspirations

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One of the things that attracted me to Red Hat in the first place was that it was a company with a strong sense of purpose. Red Hat was a company full of believers, people who felt that the open source development model was simply a better way. During my first few months as CEO, I traveled to Red...
Blog by Jim Whitehurst on August 16, 2011
"Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM." That chestnut has morphed from sales proposition to object lesson on the perils of clinging to convention in less than a generation. We've ditched the dark suits and "sincere" ties of our father's IBM for black turtlenecks and jeans, and we've embraced the "think different" ethos of Apple's celebrated campaign : "Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in square holes. The ones who see things differently."
Blog by Polly LaBarre on December 13, 2011
American society appears to be undergoing a crisis in trust. Most of the major organizations that we depend upon, including governments of all types, corporations, our health care system, our financial institutions, and our schools all seem to be failing us. Indeed, I do not believe it is an...
Blog by John Mackey on March 18, 2010
The road sign reads "Paradigm Shift Ahead" Around the corner is the oncoming shift.We will exit roads named Bigger, Bigger Business, Bigger House, Bigger Car, Bigger Portions (have you noticed th
Hack by Anne Perschel on July 1, 2011
“Every company wants to have growth and everybody wants to be part of a dynamic, growing organization:  the fun of launching new products, the idea that new processes are coming to our factory fl
Hack by Jean Angus on January 7, 2013
HCL Technologies overhauled its annual business planning process, turning it into an opportunity for a) grooming future leaders, b) pushing the envelope of organizational transparency, and c) leveragi
Story by Shubhi Mittal on October 30, 2013
