It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


The need to empower natural leaders isn’t an HR pipedream, it’s a competitive imperative. But before you can empower them, you have to find them. In most companies, the formal hierarchy is a matter of public record—it’s easy to discover who’s in charge of what. By contrast, natural leaders don’t...
Blog by Gary Hamel on June 27, 2011
I’ll bet you know a natural leader. Maybe you are one. Maybe you’re a mom who started a support group for the parents of children with special needs. Maybe you’re a concerned citizen who mobilized a group of preservation-minded neighbors to halt the destruction of a venerable old building. Maybe...
Blog by Gary Hamel on May 20, 2011

The work of leadership changes dramatically when wage slaves become artists, argues MIX Maverick and bestselling author Seth Godin. The best leaders make their organizations havens for heretics by suspending religion (rules) whenever possible and focusing on faith (deeper purpose).

There is no doubt that there is tremendous goodwill, not to mention countless exciting experiments, when it comes to making the world of work more deeply human—designed to promote more freedom , equity , and engagement , and passion . Why, then, can those words sound so cheap and drained of their...
Blog by Polly LaBarre on April 25, 2012
The model of the single powerful leader who operates through command and control is attractive in its simplicity. This model of leadership often gets reinforced in the media, as well as by demanding shareholders. In reality, it is impractical to expect the single leader to have all the answers, and...
Blog by Terri Kelly on April 8, 2010
2011 marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of Frederick Winslow Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management. Taylor was a mechanical engineer who, according to Peter Drucker, “was the first man in recorded history who deemed work deserving of systematic observation and study.” Taylor...
Blog by Ross Smith on July 29, 2011
We know that if we want to close the gap between the status quo and our big dream of creating companies that are fundamentally fit for the future (and fit for human beings), we need to enlist the ideas and energies of the most progressive thinkers and radical doers from every realm of endeavor.
Blog by Polly LaBarre on September 13, 2011
