It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Development of a transparent employment process that results in not only the best person for the position being appointed but also keeps that person by making the company accountable for all promises
Hack by Andre Basel on February 28, 2011
The truth – you can’t handle the truth’ bellows the colonel in the aptly named film ‘A Few Good Men’.  But the sentiment isn’t restrict
Hack by Mark Young on December 22, 2010
In the past 10+ years I have not met a single organisation that does not work with external 3rd parties in some form e.g. cloud service, channel distribution, product dev, legal etc.
Hack by Ian Stobie on April 30, 2012
To bring about a person’s full capacity is true motivation.  In order to accomplish such a goal an incentive program in which personalized incentives are executed for each employee will result in
Hack by Devin Stewart on March 15, 2011

MIX Maverick and Whole Foods founder John Mackey says to create high-trust organizations we need to create cultural processes, structures and strategies that allow human beings to reach their full potential.

In “The Future of Management” Gary Hamel argued that “Management is out of date.  Like the combustion engine, it’s a technology that has largely stopped evolving, and that’s not good.”  This
Story by Bill Nobles on January 5, 2011
Business is a socially manufactured series of behaviors and processes.  Current business practices, guided by capitalist ideologies, which focus on short term profit maximizing approaches and exp
Hack by Catherine Poulter on April 27, 2012
Too often leaders think trust should flow one way: toward them. Instead, leaders should demonstrate trust in their coworkers first.
Hack by Gary Cohen on October 15, 2010

MIX Maverick Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehust discusses the value in letting people speak freely and without repercussions.

by Joy Kosta Ben Heineman, GE's former senior vice-president for law and public affairs and currently a senior fellow at Harvard Law School and at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, also author of "High Performance with High Integrity," says that effective leaders “find a sound balance between...
Blog by HCI on August 19, 2010
