It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


When determining executive performance, traditional models of CEO compensation consider relatively short time frames.  This increases the likelihood that CEOs make strategic organizational decisi
Hack by Alex Edmans on April 11, 2012
Using Web 2.0 tenets such as crowdsourcing, gamification, and social rewards, Dogfooding 2.0 solves the problem of  employees not supporting/using products and services of their company.If implem
Hack by Regnard Raquedan on July 17, 2011
-- A few weeks ago, we kicked off the Hackathon Pilot, an experiment enabling passionate MIXers to collaboratively "write the chapter" on how to enable communities of passion within our organizations (learn more about the pilot here and here ). During Sprint #2, our pilot team was tasked with...
Blog by Chris Grams on April 28, 2011
Hockey is Canada’s national sport, but skating close behind in second place is participation in customer loyalty programs that award points consumers can redeem for more than 1200 rewards items from e
Not new, but simple, cost-effective, underutilized.  Spans industries, levels of work, sectors.  Think "sandbox" (nod to former mentor): Within clear constraints of quality, quantity, time,
Hack by Mary Ann Lesperance on December 4, 2013
To bring about a person’s full capacity is true motivation.  In order to accomplish such a goal an incentive program in which personalized incentives are executed for each employee will result in
Hack by Devin Stewart on March 15, 2011