To be successful and truly collaborative, knowledge-sharing systems require intuitive tools that connect people, reward participation, and align well with existing work and communication patterns.
While large segments of the American population have grown up in a connected world and are more comfortable with web and social networking technologies in their private lives, the companies they work
The sales force automation (SFA) software market is growing rapidly, with companies such as becoming dominant players in the enterprise software space.
One of the most interesting themes of MIX content in the year since we launched has been the role of technology in management innovation, especially social networks. Mavericks and MIXers alike have made made the argument that the effects of Web 2.0 technologies on the organization and the people in...
Dell VP James Franklin talks with Gary Hamel about the impact of social media on today's organizations and the expectations of a workforce that is growing up on the web.
Almost every conceivable enterprise from large industrial conglomerates, hospitals, humanitarian organizations, and professional sports leagues to municipal police forces, consumer products companies