I'm a programme manager who likes to get their hands dirty. I love to deal with the ambiguous, the complex, or the unpopular to make organisations and people function better.
I work in the property, construction and engineering sectors, and my greatest accomplishment is to deliver a cross industry programme on the railway that ultimately reduced track worker fatalities from 8 per year to zero for three consecutive years.
I love to fly gliders. I love the freedom, the quiet, the isolation flying without power. My ambition for this year is to get qualified to fly cross country in a glider.
Deming and others showed that when you look at the performance of an organisation (however you measure performance), about 85% to 95% (one can argue pointlessly about the precise figure but the scale
If most competitors in an industry only know that one industry well, but Competitor X benefits from the insider ideas, knowledge and history of ten industries in addition to its own, which organizatio