It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Amplify imagination

“We often wrongly assume that commodity jobs are filled with commodity people. Everyone was born with the capacity to create.”

While we know a lot about how to engender human creativity — equip people with innovation tools, allow them to set aside time for thinking, de-stigmatize failure, create opportunities for serendipitous learning — little of this knowledge has infiltrated management systems. Worse, many companies institutionalize a sort of creative apartheid. They assign the label “creative” to select individuals and roles — and tacitly (or not) relegate the rest to mundane work. Management processes must nurture innovation in every corner of the organization.

60 Stories
124 Hacks
6 Barriers

Amplify imagination

“We often wrongly assume that commodity jobs are filled with commodity people. Everyone was born with the capacity to create.”

While we know a lot about how to engender human creativity — equip people with innovation tools, allow them to set aside time for thinking, de-stigmatize failure, create opportunities for serendipitous learning — little of this knowledge has infiltrated management systems. Worse, many companies institutionalize a sort of creative apartheid. They assign the label “creative” to select individuals and roles — and tacitly (or not) relegate the rest to mundane work. Management processes must nurture innovation in every corner of the organization.

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Most businesses do a poor job of encouraging daily innovation from employees.
Everyone wants to be famous - It is more important to determine who you want to be famous to.
College education is a priviledge and what needs to be decoupled is the notion that a college degee is a sufficient condition of a high paying job.  What I hear on the radio is "financial aid is
Hack by Kim Thi Nguyen on November 26, 2010
The biggest problem of capitalism is that's not enough people are working on the capitalism's biggest problem: the lack of innovation (as counter-intuitive as it sounds).
Search "HR and Innovation" on Google and results range from Innovation is a Strategic HR Imperative to How HR 'Best Practices' Kill Innovation and Does HR Matter in Innovation?
Hack by Chad Hartzell on August 17, 2017
Check out the latest trends in designing a perfect Instagram feed for your business.
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Let's face it.  Most people (unless you work in the dot EDU space) look to the higher education (or education in general) enterprise with an industrial mindset; one where teaching and learning ar
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As an emerging artist, it's vital to always keep your networks growing.
Story by L. Blake Harvey on June 30, 2011
Don't have top-down capital via a holding company. Semi-franchise everything so businesses are cellular. Cells can succeed or fail. Capital can directly flow.
Hack by Damian Horton on September 13, 2012
As an emerging artist, it's vital to always keep your networking growing.
Story by L. Blake Harvey on June 30, 2011
