It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Amplify imagination

“We often wrongly assume that commodity jobs are filled with commodity people. Everyone was born with the capacity to create.”

While we know a lot about how to engender human creativity — equip people with innovation tools, allow them to set aside time for thinking, de-stigmatize failure, create opportunities for serendipitous learning — little of this knowledge has infiltrated management systems. Worse, many companies institutionalize a sort of creative apartheid. They assign the label “creative” to select individuals and roles — and tacitly (or not) relegate the rest to mundane work. Management processes must nurture innovation in every corner of the organization.

60 Stories
124 Hacks
6 Barriers

Amplify imagination

“We often wrongly assume that commodity jobs are filled with commodity people. Everyone was born with the capacity to create.”

While we know a lot about how to engender human creativity — equip people with innovation tools, allow them to set aside time for thinking, de-stigmatize failure, create opportunities for serendipitous learning — little of this knowledge has infiltrated management systems. Worse, many companies institutionalize a sort of creative apartheid. They assign the label “creative” to select individuals and roles — and tacitly (or not) relegate the rest to mundane work. Management processes must nurture innovation in every corner of the organization.

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With globalization and technology, skills become obsolete rapidly. The traditional approach of performing specialist work is less effective.
Imagine a world where everyone is happy and healthy, and you can do what ever you want! WOW!Did you dream a little when you read that? Or did you laugh? But hold on – what would it take?
Any one on the tenure ratchet knows that the lag time between writing ahigh quality, empirical journal article and it's actual printpublication date can be irritating at the least, and downrightfrustr
Hack by Aaron Anderson on October 14, 2010
Your business needs to catch up and bring social media measures into the workplace to identify and reward contributors and thought leaders in a dynamic, democratic and systemised way.
Hack by Darryl Smith on October 3, 2011
Imagination and innovation is critical in the evolution of human beings and it is the key to inventive new ideas that makes businesses profitable.
Hack by Billy Choy on February 28, 2011
The Bay Area Social Impact Collaboration Zone (BASIC-Z) solves community challenges by gathering ideas from many disparate sources and puts the best ones into practice. The goal is for a diversit
Hack by Bobby Fishkin on May 11, 2012
Even if companies officially ask their workforce to be a driver of innovation, they seldom act accordingly and rather punish "out-of-the-box" actions.
Hack by Ile Tovaglieri on January 9, 2011
Atmospheric visualization opens the mind and broadens the perspective by employing sketches which are made during the meeting or workshop.
Hack by Erwin Pfuhler on December 12, 2011
Corporate culture, much like its social sibling, usually frowns upon employee fatigue and mid-day sleeping which is directly responsible for staff becoming unproductive.
Hack by Jerann Naidu on May 4, 2011
