It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Capture the advantages of diversity

“Organizational adaptability depends on individuals whose views don’t cluster around the mean.”

Diversity is not only essential for the survival of a species, it is also a prerequisite for long-term corporate viability. Organizations that don’t embrace and exploit a diversity of experiences, values, and capabilities will be unable to generate a rich variety of ideas, options, and experiments—the essential ingredients of strategic renewal. Future management systems must value diversity, disagreement, and divergence at least as highly as they do conformance, consensus, and cohesion.

38 Stories
93 Hacks
7 Barriers

Capture the advantages of diversity

“Organizational adaptability depends on individuals whose views don’t cluster around the mean.”

Diversity is not only essential for the survival of a species, it is also a prerequisite for long-term corporate viability. Organizations that don’t embrace and exploit a diversity of experiences, values, and capabilities will be unable to generate a rich variety of ideas, options, and experiments—the essential ingredients of strategic renewal. Future management systems must value diversity, disagreement, and divergence at least as highly as they do conformance, consensus, and cohesion.

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Music is the ultimate transforming exchange, timeless and unbounded by  imagination - a font of creativity that bridges and unites people the world over.
Hack by Gavin McLeod on November 24, 2010
How we identified a 10-15 % productivity improvement potential among knowledge and interaction workers by using dedicated IT-tools and progressive management philosophies to enable and empower employe
Story by Mårten Keijser on June 9, 2013
A system to enable company/ groupwide, uncensored,unweighted (higher authority, perceived experts, perceived lack of expertise, etc) 
Hack by Dina Grasko on May 1, 2012
This article was written as one of the requirements to obtain the Innovation Mentor Certification at CIMp.
Story by Luiz Cunha on April 13, 2015
A method of solving dilemmas and problems that involves communications and iteration to reach better solutions and commitment to those solutions.
Story by Brian Hurley on June 2, 2010
Narconia is an online community that seeks to connect creative individuals with other skilled people and resources. Through us, a creator of a project can reward passionate contributors w
Hack by Robert Roufail on September 3, 2011
The Finance Innovation Lab is a place where people can bring their good ideas about how to change the financial system and do something positive with them.The Lab was launched in 2008, in the wake of
Story by Ilana Taub on May 11, 2012
