It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Enable communities of passion

“Passion is a multiplier of human effort, but it can’t be manufactured. It’s present only when people get the chance to work on what they truly care about.”

Passion is a significant multiplier of human accomplishment, particularly when like-minded individuals converge around a worthy cause. Yet a wealth of data indicates that most employees are emotionally disengaged at work. They are unfulfilled, and consequently their organizations underperform. Companies must encourage communities of passion by structuring work and revising management processes to help people tap into a higher calling at work, by connecting employees who share similar passions, and by better aligning the organization’s objectives with the natural interests of its people.

95 Stories
152 Hacks
16 Barriers

Enable communities of passion

“Passion is a multiplier of human effort, but it can’t be manufactured. It’s present only when people get the chance to work on what they truly care about.”

Passion is a significant multiplier of human accomplishment, particularly when like-minded individuals converge around a worthy cause. Yet a wealth of data indicates that most employees are emotionally disengaged at work. They are unfulfilled, and consequently their organizations underperform. Companies must encourage communities of passion by structuring work and revising management processes to help people tap into a higher calling at work, by connecting employees who share similar passions, and by better aligning the organization’s objectives with the natural interests of its people.

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Traditionally HR has pushed their service to the business rather than thinking like an entrepreneur and promoting their strengths to invite more of a pull into the business on the request of self-dire
Hack by Heidi De Wolf on July 17, 2013
In my ten years at Red Hat (the open source software pioneer), we had a very simple little cultural trick we used everywhere we could:We defaulted to open.What does this mean?
Hack by Chris Grams on August 5, 2010
The radical fix highlighted is the top down approach of corporate social responsibility trickling all the way to employee’s job description and performance appraisal system.
Terms like "open innovation" and "customer-driven innovation" are all the rage and these strategies can certainly help organizations become more innovative.
Hack by Chris Grams on July 28, 2010
Music is the ultimate transforming exchange, timeless and unbounded by  imagination - a font of creativity that bridges and unites people the world over.
Hack by Gavin McLeod on November 24, 2010
Empower to Improve seeks to mitigate large hospital bills for uninsured and underinsured patients with chronic conditions that could be easily managed with better preventive care practices.
Hack by Trey Morris on March 3, 2014
