It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Co-authored Contributions

Humans have an emotive response to stories that begins when we are young, they stretch and test the imagination. They helping people bring to life a situation and communicate its significance.
Hack by Martin Couzins on July 17, 2013
The notion is that for organizations to be adaptable they will need to hire 'adaptable people' from diverse backgrounds, to work with their customers and clients.The traits of adaptability will be the
Hack by Keith Gulliver on July 17, 2013
Crowd funding for adaptability: encourage an internal market in adapbatilbty activities by having employees with ideas to bid for resoruces and other employees to bet on the most succesful ideasRecogn
Hack by Ian Davidson on July 17, 2013
Traditionally HR has pushed their service to the business rather than thinking like an entrepreneur and promoting their strengths to invite more of a pull into the business on the request of self-dire
Hack by Heidi De Wolf on July 17, 2013
An effective onboarding solution could engage employees earlier, so that they are more productive and will stay longer.
Hack by christina rudrich on July 17, 2013