It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Enlarge the frame of management education

“Management education must be designed to create a heightened and enlightened ‘consciousness.’”

Management training has traditionally focused on helping leaders develop a particular portfolio of cognitive skills: left-brain thinking, deductive reasoning, analytical problem solving, and solutions engineering. Tomorrow’s managers will require new skills, among them reflective or double-loop learning, systems-based thinking, creative problem solving, and values-driven thinking. Business schools and companies must redesign training programs to help executives develop such skills and reorient management systems to encourage their application.

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54 Hacks
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Enlarge the frame of management education

“Management education must be designed to create a heightened and enlightened ‘consciousness.’”

Management training has traditionally focused on helping leaders develop a particular portfolio of cognitive skills: left-brain thinking, deductive reasoning, analytical problem solving, and solutions engineering. Tomorrow’s managers will require new skills, among them reflective or double-loop learning, systems-based thinking, creative problem solving, and values-driven thinking. Business schools and companies must redesign training programs to help executives develop such skills and reorient management systems to encourage their application.

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Consciousness in organisations is the next breakaway competitive advantage. In our work with individuals and organizations, we have discovered a way to increase mental agility and creativity.
Hack by Mike Parker on March 24, 2016
My first real job was as a carpenter helper with Goodwin and Murphy construction company on a bridge building job on interstate 65 just south of Verbena, Alabama.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on April 14, 2015
Porter's Five Forces Model has been used in MBA level and other business courses on college campuses since it was invented by Michael Porter just over 30 years ago.
Hack by Aaron Anderson on June 25, 2010
One morning, my District Manager came into my office, he stated, “if someone told me about all these employee problems, I would not want to be a manager.”This was in 1986.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on May 1, 2016
I looked up philosophy in the dictionary. Here are a few meanings of the word that verified my thoughts:
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on April 25, 2016
Define yourself. What is in your best interest isin the long run best for your family, community, and company.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on June 12, 2015
Ever found yourself sitting in another performance improvement meeting listening to a “sensei” discussing how to reduce waste or error by another Sigma and wondering if it is only you who secretly thi
Hack by Mike Parker on March 4, 2016
For some time I've been trying to use fairytales to reflect about management behavior. Tell me what you think! Once upon a time  in ancient Japan there lived a samurai.
Story by Bernhard Sterchi on April 19, 2016
We are at a unique moment in time when, as traditional economic and social systems break down and the private and social sector begin to intersect, we have an opportunity to rebuild and recreate more
Hack by Blair Miller on May 7, 2012
