It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Focus the work of management on a higher purpose

"We need companies that feel like movements."

Most companies strive to maximize shareholder wealth—a goal that is inadequate in many respects. As an emotional catalyst, wealth maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize human energies. It’s an insufficient defense when people question the legitimacy of corporate power. And it’s not specific or compelling enough to spur renewal. Individuals need a compelling answer to the question, “What’s worth my life?” And organizations must offer a compelling case for why what they do matters—an original and persuasive blueprint for where their industry could and should be going. Going forward, management practices must focus on the achievement of socially significant and noble goals.

107 Stories
164 Hacks
12 Barriers

Focus the work of management on a higher purpose

"We need companies that feel like movements."

Most companies strive to maximize shareholder wealth—a goal that is inadequate in many respects. As an emotional catalyst, wealth maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize human energies. It’s an insufficient defense when people question the legitimacy of corporate power. And it’s not specific or compelling enough to spur renewal. Individuals need a compelling answer to the question, “What’s worth my life?” And organizations must offer a compelling case for why what they do matters—an original and persuasive blueprint for where their industry could and should be going. Going forward, management practices must focus on the achievement of socially significant and noble goals.

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Large global corporations with enormous wealth, power and resources have the ability to positively (or negatively) impact global change and increasingly they are doing so in the area of disaster relie
Hack by Melanie Mark-Shadbolt on October 3, 2012
After 20 years of working in the Industry in which my first job was to make copies and my last the top executive position in the same company, I have gathered data from more than 300 managers I have w
Hack by jorge pelaez on October 14, 2011
This hack is on how Management could try and improve customer experience
Hack by Nancy Joel on March 16, 2011
Human-centered Commerce is the discipline of generating human wellbeing and reducing suffering through acts of commerce.  
Hack by Steve Frazee on March 29, 2012
Instead of managers occupying a level above front-line workers, why not have them work under and for them? 
Hack by Josh Harrington on September 19, 2010
How do things get done round here? What happens when the boss is away? These two questions can be answered with an understanding of an organisation’s culture and leadership.
Hack by Sue Seymour on December 15, 2011
Management concepts, style and notion of role and perceived duty has a lot to answer for when it comes to creating fear and culture of mistrust in organisation.
Hack by Nanai Muaau on May 17, 2011
Capitalism is a Radical and Revolutionary tool of social progress.Management is truly mathematical, therefore egalitarian.Capitalism should replace dangerous and naïve amorphousness in the name of sel
Hack by Ganesh.B.E. on April 26, 2012
Capitalism will not change if those of us providing the capital don't begin to remove financial incentives for short-term behavior.
Hack by Jeffrey Cherry on May 10, 2012
The MissionTo build a global force that generates value for society by raising the single largest amount of money for charity on one day using only the net profit contributions of companies around the
Hack by Paul Heath on April 12, 2012
