It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Reinvent the means of control

“We need control systems that shape rather than stifle human contribution.”

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compliance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entrepreneurship, and engagement. To overcome the discipline-versus-innovation trade-off, tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. They must leverage the power of shared values and aspirations while loosening the straitjacket of rules and strictures. The goal: organizations filled with people whose motivation and discipline comes from within.

61 Stories
205 Hacks
11 Barriers

Reinvent the means of control

“We need control systems that shape rather than stifle human contribution.”

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compliance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entrepreneurship, and engagement. To overcome the discipline-versus-innovation trade-off, tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. They must leverage the power of shared values and aspirations while loosening the straitjacket of rules and strictures. The goal: organizations filled with people whose motivation and discipline comes from within.

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Improving how people work in today’s organizations by abstracting collaboration practices and embedding them in email.
Hack by Ritu Raj on June 22, 2011
This hack proposes to create leadership/management teams in which power, tasks and responsibilities are not distributed across people on the same hierarchical level, but are held by a team representin
Hack by Zoltan Csigas on July 17, 2011
How can we be inspired by nature (on its way to manage living things, ecossystems, etc.) to solve management challenges?Nature is million years old of a harsh competitive environment.
Hack by André Ribeiro Winter on December 10, 2010
In today’s organizations there is not only a gap in leadership but a seemingly high level of denial.
Hack by Marla Hetzel on July 14, 2013
With the Global Financial Crisis in mind the aim is to provide a review of challenges and approaches relating to how organisations should  create new blue prints, ranging from long term plan
Hack by Zaineb Jabawi on May 9, 2012
In order to reinvent management, we have to replace the root cause of its current function. One of these root causes is the fact that manager's job is to create wealth for shareholders.
Hack by Matt Shlosberg on September 5, 2010
I propose the continuous monitoring of different informal intra-team networks and the usage of the collected data as a constant input for management decisions.
Hack by Zoltan Csigas on July 17, 2011
The aim of Positive Manipulation is to facilitate delivery and maintenance of a functional, productive employee.
Hack by Aleksandar Zivaljevic on February 25, 2011
The trouble with instigating,supporting and empowering communities of passion (CoP) is that thebureaucracies we created to establish organizations and makethemsuccessful, particularly after the agency
Hack by Aaron Anderson on June 22, 2011
Business professors think I am out of my mind, but I think business professors are out of their mind if they think that models they teach in business school really work.
Hack by Matt Shlosberg on September 6, 2010
