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Rethink the philosophical foundations of management

“We need more than new management practices, we need new management principles.”

It’s no longer enough just to be operationally excellent.Organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially responsible. That means rebuilding the foundations of management thought and practice. Scholars and practitioners alike must search for new principles in fields as diverse as anthropology, biology, design, political science, urban planning, and theology.

65 Stories
169 Hacks
15 Barriers

Rethink the philosophical foundations of management

“We need more than new management practices, we need new management principles.”

It’s no longer enough just to be operationally excellent.Organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially responsible. That means rebuilding the foundations of management thought and practice. Scholars and practitioners alike must search for new principles in fields as diverse as anthropology, biology, design, political science, urban planning, and theology.

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The key challenge in this hack is “how to make organizations genuinely fit for human beings”.
Hack by Chary Chigurala on December 3, 2011
Ever found yourself sitting in another performance improvement meeting listening to a “sensei” discussing how to reduce waste or error by another Sigma and wondering if it is only you who secretly thi
Hack by Mike Parker on March 4, 2016
As we push just about everything into the cloud, and advancements in technology shrink or eliminate traditional barriers for people to interact and exchange value, the "trustworthiness stool" presents
Hack by Aaron Anderson on August 17, 2012
The comprehensive concept we suggest here is designed to meet the challenges of the 21st century.Internal governance, or management from within, is synonymous with managing less.
Hack by Amnon Danzig on May 7, 2012
The interest in alternative forms of organization is helped by a greater understanding of their principles.In this Hack, I hope to be clear about the prinliples leaderless organizations bring to
Hack by Julian Wilson on November 4, 2014
The Categorical Imperative as the basis of an company ethic is everything we need to readjust any company's behaviour in a humane way. 
Perfection can destroy your business!Only 3 takes in the studio, is a showdown with the tyranny of the guided hand and the perfection that reigns in businesses today.
Hack by Thomas Geuken on December 23, 2011
 For companies to efficiently influence, focus and meet employees’ needs for innovation, or for companies to improve innovative performance, a prerequisite will be to accurately identify which le
Hack by Aaron Brook on September 13, 2014
