It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Transcend traditional management trade-offs

“Managers must embrace rather than dodge the need to manage paradox.”

Organizational success in the years ahead will hinge on the ability of employees at all levels to manage seemingly irreconcilable trade-offs—between short-term earnings and long-term growth, competition and collaboration, structure and emergence, discipline and freedom. Traditional systems rely on crude, universal policies that favor certain goals at the expense of others. Tomorrow’s systems must encourage healthy competition between opposing objectives and enable frontline employees to dynamically optimize key trade-offs.

29 Stories
66 Hacks
7 Barriers

Transcend traditional management trade-offs

“Managers must embrace rather than dodge the need to manage paradox.”

Organizational success in the years ahead will hinge on the ability of employees at all levels to manage seemingly irreconcilable trade-offs—between short-term earnings and long-term growth, competition and collaboration, structure and emergence, discipline and freedom. Traditional systems rely on crude, universal policies that favor certain goals at the expense of others. Tomorrow’s systems must encourage healthy competition between opposing objectives and enable frontline employees to dynamically optimize key trade-offs.

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On Face the Nation, March 28, 2016, Secretary John Kerry was asked his approach to the gaps in our knowledge of terrorism. He replied that, “Well, there's great urgency.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on April 12, 2016
Start from a resource based view [tangible and intangible assets (inclusing intellectual capital, intangible power/potential and subjective needs] and introduce a vector based value metric that enable
Hack by Peter Bretscher on March 30, 2014
The world has changed. The problems that could be solved by Edison, Lister & Einstein have all been solved. Today's world needs collaboration of the best, not competition among the best.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on October 30, 2011
A positive future vision where we can welcome 9 billion people to a planet with a flourishing economy and environment.Utilising recognised market mechanisms, our ‘infinite economy’ hack recalibrates p
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Managers in similar roles in a number of companies—for instance, Brand Executives in three non-competing enterprises—would be working for six months in each of these companies by rotation.
Hack by Mohammad Oli Ahad on July 17, 2011
If we are to close the sustainability gap – from the current consumption and production levels implicated in social and environmental injustice to a fairer, greener world – then we need transformative
Hack by Kumba Jallow on July 17, 2011
Imagine talent pools (local, regional or national) focused on "on-demand skills" run as public private partnerships, where companies, governments and colleges give access to education and jobs to indi
Hack by Juan F Suarez on March 5, 2012
CORNERSTONES OF DEVELOPMENT The foundational paradox is that the "I" as spiritual person is not identical to the "I" as an individual in the world. Life and/or the world is fundamen
Hack by BUDS MOLINA FERNANDO on December 20, 2013
