Broad employee ownership of enterprise is MONDRAGON’s key to a long-term capitalism. It is the centerpiece of a values-based business model captured in our logo, Humanity at Work.
Entropy: a hypothetical tendency for the universe to attain a state of maximum homogenity in which all matter is uniform..Among all matter, gases have the highest entropy, they don't have a p
DIRTT — Doing It Right This Time — is revolutionizing the manufacturing and building industry by empowering self-professed DIRTTbags (no, not those kinds of dirt bags) to be accountable for d
CoP's are "a group of people organized for a specific purpose around a shared set of values; who collectively care deeply about the purpose, adhere to the shared values and are selfless in their pursu
A real story of a curious public sector leader, a pugilist and a contrarian, who chose to do the right thing and design his system entirely around the needs of the customer - against the advice of Gov