It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


At the core of a healthy organization is the idea that people are respected and valued for their different gifts/strengths/talents.
Hack by Josh Allan Dykstra on June 27, 2011
Organisational flexibility is a much discussed topic.The purposes of this “hack” are:Providing a model which is designed to enhance organisational flexibility;Ensuring involvement of employees;Making
Hack by Fan Zhang on March 1, 2011
Often times the emphasis in talent acquisition is tenure as evidenced by experience. This ensures that new hires simply come with entrenched mindsets and rigid workstyles to the new organisation.
Hack by Uduma Kalu Etea on July 17, 2013
"Lock in" of talent may squelch passion, demoralize employees and of course lead to worse fit of talent to problems.  Top down delegation of tasks utilizes fewer minds thinking about what pr
Hack by Gisela Jönsson on July 5, 2011
 With human capital seems to be emerging as the single most important capital of the 21st century, the general consensus, among most management practitioners is that, it happens to be one of the
Hack by Charles Prabakar on July 17, 2013
Imagine talent pools (local, regional or national) focused on "on-demand skills" run as public private partnerships, where companies, governments and colleges give access to education and jobs to indi
Hack by Juan F Suarez on March 5, 2012
We’re delighted to announce the semifinalists for the HCI Human Capital M-Prize —a rich set of bold and original Hacks and inspiring and instructive Stories. We asked MIXers to tackle one of the toughest—and most important questions in the realm of management innovation: How do you mobilize and...
Blog by Polly LaBarre on January 31, 2011
