I am a consultant for first line management. I worked as a front line manager for over forty years in the motel, restaurant, sales, and utility business. I retired in 2014, after 40 years experience in restaurant, motel, sales, accounting, and electric distribution operation first line management. AUTHOR: THE FIRST-LINE MANAGER
I am a reader and a learner. I am passionate about developing and providing an enviroment where individuals can develop and be passionate about what they are doing. I think bureaucratic organizations harm, hinder, and retard innovation.
I believe the most important objective of an individual as an employee is to create goodwill for themselves and their company. Passion is innate to an individual and can be enhanced or killed by their company.
Stories, Hacks, & Barriers
Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Jim McGriff, Jr.
This is a critical election in 2016. It will determine the future financial security of our country. We as citizens need many question answered by the politicians before we vote for them.
I wrote this in 2015... but did not published.Government support: Who gets it? Why do they get it? What do they get? How do they get it?Who pays? Why do they pay? What do the pay? How do they pay?
It takes some time to realize what type of manager I wanted to be. This story is how I came to realize this fact. Also, how I realized a corporate suite was not for me.
I have never tried to define a bureaucrat, even thought I have encountered many over my career. Now, I think I have a definition of how it feels when you meet one.
The Watson can change middle management, or so IBM implies. I understand the impact of computer programs and big data can help or hender the first line manager.
There is a big difference between concensus decisons and colloratvie decisions. One is much more effective because the decision is closer to the worker.