It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Enable communities of passion

“Passion is a multiplier of human effort, but it can’t be manufactured. It’s present only when people get the chance to work on what they truly care about.”

Passion is a significant multiplier of human accomplishment, particularly when like-minded individuals converge around a worthy cause. Yet a wealth of data indicates that most employees are emotionally disengaged at work. They are unfulfilled, and consequently their organizations underperform. Companies must encourage communities of passion by structuring work and revising management processes to help people tap into a higher calling at work, by connecting employees who share similar passions, and by better aligning the organization’s objectives with the natural interests of its people.

95 Stories
152 Hacks
16 Barriers

Enable communities of passion

“Passion is a multiplier of human effort, but it can’t be manufactured. It’s present only when people get the chance to work on what they truly care about.”

Passion is a significant multiplier of human accomplishment, particularly when like-minded individuals converge around a worthy cause. Yet a wealth of data indicates that most employees are emotionally disengaged at work. They are unfulfilled, and consequently their organizations underperform. Companies must encourage communities of passion by structuring work and revising management processes to help people tap into a higher calling at work, by connecting employees who share similar passions, and by better aligning the organization’s objectives with the natural interests of its people.

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None of us is as smart as all of us - a safe, confidential and trusting peer group can be a powerful process for innovation, helping with opportunities, problems, challenges and issues of
Story by Mike Richardson on December 29, 2010
Any one on the tenure ratchet knows that the lag time between writing ahigh quality, empirical journal article and it's actual printpublication date can be irritating at the least, and downrightfrustr
Hack by Aaron Anderson on October 14, 2010
Consumers crave a business community where ethics, principles and values hold places of importance in the boardroom.
Hack by Ed King on May 11, 2012
Co-Authored By Terry Barber
What if the majority of the companies where for growth but not for profit maximization? The motive behind entrepreneurship will be the social incentive and not endless accumulation.
The healthcare environment is going through a period of unprecedented change and complexity due to new regulations and pricing pressures that has created significant limitations on how the pharmaceuti
Story by Debraj Dasgupta on December 12, 2012
Staff working in the public sector (Government, Local Government and Agencies) –are – for the main part – working on very similar agendas.
Story by Stephen Dale on July 12, 2011
Imagine a world where everyone is happy and healthy, and you can do what ever you want! WOW!Did you dream a little when you read that? Or did you laugh? But hold on – what would it take?
Your business needs to catch up and bring social media measures into the workplace to identify and reward contributors and thought leaders in a dynamic, democratic and systemised way.
Hack by Darryl Smith on October 3, 2011
