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Make direction setting bottom-up and outside-in

“All stakeholders need a role in setting strategic direction.”

As the pace of change accelerates and the business environment becomes more complex, it will become increasingly difficult for any small group of senior executives to chart the path of corporate renewal. That’s why the responsibility for defining direction must be broadly shared—with all organizational members and interested external constituencies. Only a broad, participatory process can engender wholehearted and widespread commitment to proactive change. When it comes to setting direction, influence should be a product of foresight and insight rather than power and position.

52 Stories
104 Hacks
7 Barriers

Make direction setting bottom-up and outside-in

“All stakeholders need a role in setting strategic direction.”

As the pace of change accelerates and the business environment becomes more complex, it will become increasingly difficult for any small group of senior executives to chart the path of corporate renewal. That’s why the responsibility for defining direction must be broadly shared—with all organizational members and interested external constituencies. Only a broad, participatory process can engender wholehearted and widespread commitment to proactive change. When it comes to setting direction, influence should be a product of foresight and insight rather than power and position.

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Do not use catch phrases... they can mislead your organization... Here is what I think about these phrases.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on June 6, 2016
i'd like to share with you a world, a flat planet with 100+ souls called Ecetera Pty Ltd.
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This hack is pinpointing some ideas for how companies  - which stand in front of challenge of rapid growth - should go about scaling themselves without losing their engaging, entreprenerial and e
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daPulse helps companies scale without loosing their self managing, high performance startup culture. 
Hack by Nevo Peretz on January 18, 2014
If I asked you a make a list of high performing teams - the kind that deliver world class results under tremendous pressure every day, chances are, a management committee wouldn't feature.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on November 1, 2011
Citizen engagement and participation in collaborative decision-making in government are to be highly valued and pursued in a democracy.  There are some basic principles that are core to successfu
Story by Barbara Little on December 21, 2011
It is time to abolish the role and title of Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director in many corporations.The head of the senior management team should be a customer.
Hack by Geoff Barbaro on October 10, 2010
Agility requires us to rev up the frequency of our communication, collaboration and coordination as a team.  As the world continues to rev up, we must rev up with it, to handle t
Barrier by Mike Richardson on October 31, 2010
