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Redefine the work of leadership

“There is a need to move beyond the heroic model of leadership—because most leaders aren’t, in fact, very heroic.”

The era of the all-wise, all-powerful leader-as-decisionmaker is over. Leaders must become savvy social architects—individuals who are capable of building environments that engender extraordinary accomplishment. To make this transition from “command and control” to “motivate and mentor,” organizations need to develop leaders who are capable of building commitment and alignment without resorting to the traditional tools of bureaucratic control. The goal: an organization filled with leaders who lift everyone up.

117 Stories
196 Hacks
9 Barriers

Redefine the work of leadership

“There is a need to move beyond the heroic model of leadership—because most leaders aren’t, in fact, very heroic.”

The era of the all-wise, all-powerful leader-as-decisionmaker is over. Leaders must become savvy social architects—individuals who are capable of building environments that engender extraordinary accomplishment. To make this transition from “command and control” to “motivate and mentor,” organizations need to develop leaders who are capable of building commitment and alignment without resorting to the traditional tools of bureaucratic control. The goal: an organization filled with leaders who lift everyone up.

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IBM India showcasing solutions to Creating A smarter Workforce to Ensure Competitive Advantage And Increased Customer Satisfaction.
Story by Chitra Iyengar on January 19, 2011
Within Teeme collaboration is like growing a tree together. The leaves are the building block of the collaboration and collective contributions of the leaves form a tree.
Hack by Sanjay Singhai on July 17, 2011
Do you seek a greater work/life balance? Would you like next year to be the most exciting year your family has ever had together?
Story by Joe Sharp on July 25, 2014
Designers are innovators, problem solvers, and implementers.
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For corporate management roles, human resources are used to fill them.  But what if the best ideas were allowed to manage also?  Put an AI system in place that would test and prove ideas, se
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Inmost transformation efforts, changing the transparency of financialdata including salaries is like losing the last five pounds.
Hack by Susan Resnick West on July 2, 2011
Decision makers change organizations from time to time.Organizations come and go.Instead of measuring whole organizations, measure the impact of the decision makers.
Hack by David Rader on March 14, 2011
Within the framework of three pillars of humanistic management, how to build a leadership that is runned by authenticity. The three pillars are: 1. Alterity and Dignity; 2.
A chance question during a seminar exposed a cultural norm at Menlo Innovations that confounds most corporate thinkers. Menlo has no hierarchy. They are a team in the truest sense of the word.
Story by Richard Sheridan on July 14, 2013
