Sustainability is a powerful way to generate innovation at Danone, producing creativity through presenting new problems to solve, establishing big goals that force people to think differently and fost
A 163yr old privately held 7th generation 19th & 20th Century industrial “brown box” packaging company transforms itself into a 21st Century Consumer and Design focused company by inno
Is it possible to drive customer value and internal alignment at the same time? It is -- especially if you use a proven, powerful tool that we call the Value Roadmap.
A few months ago, in one of our Centered Leadership learning sessions, a Latin American executive approached me with an insight that had deeply affected him. “In our transformation meetings,” he said, “we always talk about how they have to change. I realize I have to change myself first if I want...
What do kids know about creating a company anyway? Well, 3 24-yr old Brown University ('08) grads didn't know how to do it the "right" way, so they did it their way.
Create more freedom to innovate and greater accountability by distributing the responsibility to manage risk capital as a "commons" throughout small groups within an organization that are networked to
PARC made a radical transformation from a captive research center to a commercial open innovation business. This forced PARC to create a number of new practices in innovation management -- just t
One of the things that attracted me to Red Hat in the first place was that it was a company with a strong sense of purpose. Red Hat was a company full of believers, people who felt that the open source development model was simply a better way. During my first few months as CEO, I traveled to Red...