It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


A few months ago, in one of our Centered Leadership learning sessions, a Latin American executive approached me with an insight that had deeply affected him. “In our transformation meetings,” he said, “we always talk about how they have to change. I realize I have to change myself first if I want...
Blog by Joanna Barsh on June 10, 2010
Is it possible to drive customer value and internal alignment at the same time? It is -- especially if you use a proven, powerful tool that we call the Value Roadmap.
Hack by Thomas Butta on June 4, 2012
One of the things that attracted me to Red Hat in the first place was that it was a company with a strong sense of purpose. Red Hat was a company full of believers, people who felt that the open source development model was simply a better way. During my first few months as CEO, I traveled to Red...
Blog by Jim Whitehurst on August 16, 2011
