We have been educated for stability – and we continue to train people to be effective in known territories – but the current competitive environment is unstable.
Startup Weekend has become a global movement among grassroots entreprneuers that are disrupting traditional thought about what it takes to launch a startups.
American society appears to be undergoing a crisis in trust. Most of the major organizations that we depend upon, including governments of all types, corporations, our health care system, our financial institutions, and our schools all seem to be failing us. Indeed, I do not believe it is an...
The road sign reads "Paradigm Shift Ahead" Around the corner is the oncoming shift.We will exit roads named Bigger, Bigger Business, Bigger House, Bigger Car, Bigger Portions (have you noticed th
Unilever is the second largest FMCG company in the world, with a huge environmental and social footprint. We are committed to growing in all our markets, but believe that growth and sustainabili
Last week, Nokia's new CEO Steven Elop wrote a scathing memo to his team at Nokia, describing the company's declining market position in mobile phones as a "burning platform". Such direct and blunt language is unusual in most corporate settings, and shows how seriously Elop views Nokia's troubles...
You probably know people whose mothers loom large - even in their adult lives. Their every move is slowed by the tugging of apron strings and the daunting consideration of what mother would thin
A humble confession: I'm bored. As mind-implodingly, soul-suckingly, spirit-munchingly bored of business as Jason Voorhees probably is of Friday the 13th. Let me explain why, via a tiny theory. Porter's five forces , the 5 "C"s of marketing ? Forget it. I'd suggest that today, nothing characterizes...