It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Co-authored Contributions

The notion is that for organizations to be adaptable they will need to hire 'adaptable people' from diverse backgrounds, to work with their customers and clients.The traits of adaptability will be the
Hack by Keith Gulliver on July 17, 2013
The challenge is to combine technologies, platforms and ways of learning that explicitly tackle those enemies of adaptability and support each of the design principles of a truly adaptable organisatio
Hack by Julie Steel on July 17, 2013
Crowd funding for adaptability: encourage an internal market in adapbatilbty activities by having employees with ideas to bid for resoruces and other employees to bet on the most succesful ideasRecogn
Hack by Ian Davidson on July 17, 2013
Radically review all of those processes that we slavishly follow in HR, or think of as 'best practice'.  Ask yourself what value they are really adding, and whether or not they could be holding y
Hack by Gemma Reucroft on July 17, 2013
Attract adaptable people by designing jobs with an emphasis on the organisational culture and by innovating competency assessments.
Hack by Debbie Stivala on July 17, 2013
Most large companies are a collection of silos, with employees who are so focused on their area of specialization they may be missing key opportunities and threats.
Hack by Deb Seidman on July 17, 2013