Work can be fun. But until now there has been no systematic way to make it so. We analysed people’s motivation and built a taxonomy of 21 types of fun.
Everyone is struggling to identify a way to make innovation repeatable, sustainable. But, unfortunately most thought leaders make potentially useful innovation frameworks unnecessarily complex.
The Bank of New Zealand introduces a new business model by upending its management model, and empowering branch managers to think and act like business owners.
GameChanger is a simple, flexible, and real-time innovation process run by an autonomous team at Shell that invests in helping people develop their novel ideas from genesis to proof of concept.
The San Francisco Mayor's Office of Innovation recently piloted an “unhackathon” which attracted over 80 designers, technologists and business pros, all collaborating quickly and intensively to create
This Story portrays how an electricity distributor, located in the poorest region of Brazil, generate incremental innovations on a large scale, increasing the gain value and purpose of doing good for
Despite increasing disruption and crumbling paradigms, many organizations remain trapped in out-dated management practices left-over from the industrial revolution.