This time of year we tend to subject ourselves to tough review. We zero in on our practices and tendencies and resolve to take up new, positive habits--and, more importantly, to break the bad. It can be a productive exercise if approached with a clear eye and dedicated follow-through. My question:...
Sustainability is a powerful way to generate innovation at Danone, producing creativity through presenting new problems to solve, establishing big goals that force people to think differently and fost
Each metaphor we use shines light on some parts of an issue while leaving others in the dark. The leading metaphors for developing “good” businesses, “Ethics” and “Responsibility”, shed light on
What do kids know about creating a company anyway? Well, 3 24-yr old Brown University ('08) grads didn't know how to do it the "right" way, so they did it their way.
This hack is based on the premise that modern corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a business, governance, and ethics system has failed, and that it needs to be replaced by a new approach—CSR 2.0.
"Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM." That chestnut has morphed from sales proposition to object lesson on the perils of clinging to convention in less than a generation. We've ditched the dark suits and "sincere" ties of our father's IBM for black turtlenecks and jeans, and we've embraced the "think different" ethos of Apple's celebrated campaign : "Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in square holes. The ones who see things differently."
The road sign reads "Paradigm Shift Ahead" Around the corner is the oncoming shift.We will exit roads named Bigger, Bigger Business, Bigger House, Bigger Car, Bigger Portions (have you noticed th